Have Any Suggestion To Help Me Quit Smoking? -

Friday, June 24, 2005

Have Any Suggestion To Help Me Quit Smoking? -

Well, I-m 22 and I have been smoking for going on 4 years, and I-m really having a hard time quitting. I really want to quit because it-s a nasty habit, and I sing and I want to keep my singing voice before it gets too late. I tried going cold turkey...only lasted for about a week. So do you guys have any suggestion or advice that might help me?
Nope, I disagree with most of these answers...

I have recently successfully quit the fags after a few years of smoking (it does not matter whether you have been smoking for 1 year or 50)

It is all in the mind and when you are truly sick of smoking (find out what motivates you to stop - health and saving money DID NOT do it for me - I am vain so getting lines around my mouth motivated me to stop) SET A DATE and tell everyone you know..

There are plenty of nicotine replacements, I used patches initially and now I chew the gum when I get overwhelmed.. use them, they work..

That and breaking all the smoking associated habits.. for example, I used to smoke a lot when I was on the phone.. I forced myself to lay on my bed and keep my phone conversations short (I could never smoke inside, let alone in my bedroom!!). I also didn-t drink for a few days whilst I adjusted...

If you can get hold of a book called -The easiest way to stop smoking by Allan Carr) I would recommend it...

I have also replaced the smoking with exercise.. and that has been really helpful. I also kept my old dirty ashtray and whenever I wanted to smoke, first thing I did was go out to the balcony and take a deep sniff of the ashtray... gross!

I am loving not smoking.. I can taste far better, my voice sounds less harsh and I smell beautiful!!!

Hope some of those things help you.. but really, give it until you are truly sick of smoking and also find out what will motivate you to stop.. it-s different for most people but it sounds like keeping your lovely singing voice may work for you!

Good luck!!!!
there are some herbal cigs availalble wich dont contain tobacco etc n helps many ways in health.. yu can try that..

it-ll surly help in quitting smoking
Simple, Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker who realized the bad effects of your habit and you want to find easy ways to quit smoking, this article is for you. However, you must be prepared because kicking this habit is not easy if you have been a long time smoker. The nicotine that is present in cigarettes is a very addictive drug. That is why smoking is very hard to quit because the addiction that is caused by nicotine.

To win over your battle against nicotine addiction, you need to prepare for the sacrifice ahead and make sure that you are committed to your goal. The desire to quit must really come from you and you should be steadfast to act on your desire immediately. People who are successful in quitting smoking say that quitting cold turkey is the best technique.

Don-t despair if you really want to quit smoking because there are easy ways to quit smoking that you can follow to win the fight against nicotine addiction. But not all of these ways can work to all smokers. What you can do is select ones that you think will work for you and reject those that you think wouldn-t.

1. You can also try to smoke fewer and fewer cigarette sticks as the day progresses. This will allow your mind and your body to want less and less nicotine each day. But you cannot decrease just a stick a day; there is also a time limit. The usual target is to totally stop smoking two weeks since you started reducing your consumption.

2. To battle nicotine addiction, you need all the support you can get. Your friends, office workers, and your family can watch over you in case you wanted to reach for a stick. They can also take you mind off from thinking about smoking. Thus, you need to inform them that you are trying to quit so that they can help you.

3. Today, there are prescription medications that can help flush the nicotine out your body. Your doctor can give you this prescription. This is very helpful if you-re trying to quit smoking.

4. Try to make yourself busy to take your time and your mind off from smoking. Learning a new sport or trying a new demanding hobby will help divert your attention from smoking.

But you must remember that no amount of easy ways to quit smoking can stop you from picking another stick if you are not determined enough to kick your habit. A weak determination will certainly render the easy ways to quit smoking you-re been hearing about useless to help you.

Read about the easy ways to quit smoking at my health blog that has helped many find freedom from smoking.
It-s all about willpower, if I really truly wanted to quit, I would just stop smoking period. But, I don-t want to quit I enjoy a smoke. My friends who wanted to quit have told me they just stopped cold turkey and they have stayed that way until now. If you really want to quit then just stop smoking literally, throw out all the cigarettes, lighters, matches, ashtrays, etc. and just stop plain and simple. If you feel the urge fight it, but I think if you TRULY want to quit the urge to smoke won-t come. I think that is how people quit cold turkey.
Try to get more information regarding some ways to stop smoking at my profile.
Tricks and tips can help a bit, but it really comes down to willpower.

The best way I-ve found to quit is to move in with a non-smoker. It becomes too troublesome to find chances and places to smoke, and even when you do, you-ve got that person constantly disapproving of what you-re doing. I cut down drastically when I lived with a nonsmoker.

Other than that I-ve found that staying physically active helps a lot. I wanted a cigarette most when I wasn-t busy, or when I was just goofing around. Watching tv, or playing on the computer, or lounging about. If I get up and put my mind and body toward some task, I quickly lose the urge to smoke.

Exercising helps. Going for walks, jogs, playing a sport, etc.

Nicotine gum can help slightly if you have a major craving and are about to flip out.

Avoiding coffee and alcohol helps, as both lend themselves to wanting a smoke.

I also found that keeping at least 1 cigarette nearby helped me. When I was completely out of cigarettes, I had a vague sense of panic at absolutely being without something I wanted/needed. But if I had one cigarette somewhere nearby, then I knew that I wasn-t being denied a pleasure - I was choosing not to smoke that cigarette, of my own free will, and if I really needed it, I could have it. It was sort of like a safety net.

Something else that helped me personally was stopping to envision what I was doing to my body, very carefully. A lot of the time we go through life not paying attention to our organs, which are just a few centimeters or inches beneath our skin, beating and pulsing and expanding and contracting and powering our bodies. I reminded myself of my lungs and heart and voicebox actually being there, in vivid detail, being damaged by my smoking. A reminder of mortality. That was perhaps more real for me because I-ve known so many people to die of lung cancer, to have voice boxes cut out, etc.

Finally, if you give in and smoke one, don-t give up. Just resolve yourself to not smoke another one. If you really want to quit, you can. Remember that you are the only one in control of your actions and your body.
i made one place my smoking place.. outside.. i dont smoke in my car anymore, or in my house.. so i smoke alot less... slowly get down to none... chew on something..candy or gum... to get rid of the -oral fixation-... after about 2-3 days of no nicotine it is out of your system.. after that its all mental.. good luck! :)
The only true thing that helps is wanting it. If you have trouble quitting than you do not truly want it. Examine your motives. that remains the best way. I smoked for 15 years, then one day decided it was enough. I had to truly want to stop when it finally worked.
I quit. My voice is horrible by the way.....

so you decide for yourself if you want to smoke yourself towards lungcancer or a creaky voice...

if not, then you must next REMEMBER that you WANT to quit. That is all;-)))

I really wish you the strength to remember that you WANT to quit. Good luck!
remember also, your singing voice will last you forever, while smoking will cut forever short.

Best wishes for you!! go for it!
Perhaps you should join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
Have Any Suggestion To Help Me Quit Smoking? -