How can i ever quit smoking? -

Sunday, June 26, 2005

How can i ever quit smoking? -

I been smoking for about 8 years now. Im 23. Im in great physical shape i work out 5 days a week and i eat healthy. I been trying to quit smoking for a year now. Patches and gum simply dont work and i cant go -cold turkey- because i get very irritable and crancky ( i work in hospitality industry, so i cant really afford to be that way). Someone please help!! :(
You are going to have to tolerate some side effects -- that-s unavoidable. So schedule your stop date for when you have a one week vacation, which is about how long it takes for the crankiness to wear off. You-re also most likely to be successful at stopping when you-re away from stress, so doing it on vacation is a good idea.

Then -- some people can-t tolerate it, but for most people, Chantix is the most effective stop smoking medicine, period. Don-t fool around, use it. If that doesn-t work, look at the Commit lozenges, which are better than the gum and the patches. If that doesn-t work, go to a doctor who specializes in this stuff and ask about combination therapy -- patches *plus* lozenges. If you are not able to stop, you are not getting as much nicotine as you-re used to, and the combination therapy addresses that. You need a higher dose of nicotine. The dose is right when you *can* stop. Zyban can also help as a second-line oral med. Also join a stop-smoking group -- I know it sounds dumb, but we-re wired to be influenced by the group and studies show that it increases the success rate dramatically.
Zero Smoke seems to also be a terrific product to help smokers quit. I-ve also heard that Nicotine gum does wonders, but many people end up addicted to the gum instead. Check out Zero Smoke though.…

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Cold turkey is the only way. But it has to be accompanied by a Lifestyle change.

Throw out everything that has to do with smoking. All lighters, ashtrays, and don-t hang with anyone who smokes. Find something to busy your hands when you have nothing to do like cleaning up stuff.

Re-learn your whole life without smoking: coffee, movies, wine, sex, everything.

Admit to yourself that if you take one puff of cig you-ll be right back to three packs a day. Realize that even 20 years without a cig, you-ll still dream of smoking one. That-s what my dad said.

You can do it !
Just quit. Sorry, but that-s the best way. Nicotine addiction goes away in just a few days. But the hand-to-mouth habit can take a very long time to get over. Smoking can useful in helping someone relax. So, if you find yourself being cranky after about 5 days with no smoke, you need to look at some anger management. You need to find another way to chill out. It-s not a lack of smoking that makes you cranky. You are cranky by default and smoking is calming that. You can try weening yourself off of cigarettes by smoking cigarillos. Replace the habit with something else, like carrot sticks. Smoking is a sort of pacifier.
First of all you can buy all the nic patches and nic gum you want, but nothing will help.. Instead of saying you have to quit, which I guess if you did, then my bad, but its a mind over matter.. Like with myself, I don-t want to stop smoking.. Don-t matter how healthy you eat, I mean once your dead, it won-t matter how healthy you ate right??? I guess I look at it alot different than most.. GOOD LUCK
Stop being such a wimp. If you want to quit, then do it. All these lame excuses are just that - LAME EXCUSES. It only takes two weeks to be free of it and the first week is the worst. Now there are lots of things to help you with the BS.
Talk to your Doctor about CHANTIX. It is a pill that you take for 3 months. (I only needed it for 2) I smoked for 22 years and I still can-t believe that it was as easy as it was to quit. Although I must tell you, you will only quit if you are very serious and really want to quit. All in all, it is up to you, if you really want CHANTIX to work it will. I am now 79 days quit!!!!
try switching to lights. also try only smoking just enough of the cigarettee to take the edge off. half or just two or three puffs. the hardest smoke to miss is the one that is become routine(first when you gt up, after meals, etc)you may have to change your routine (exercize, vacuum etc to fill up tthe void.)take a week off for vacation and let youself get cranky.
these are some ideas.
Hi :)

My name is Antony. I am live in New York.

I been smoking for about 5 years.
I quit smoking now.
My blog -
My article (12 Steps To Stop Smoking) -

good luck!!!
Tell the person who works at the store you buy your cigarettes from to not let you get them.
Or....get somebody to supervise you.
I always threw away my mom-s cigarettes, and now she doesn-t smoke, because I didn-t let her for about 5 months =P
Hey! Thanks for the answer too!
Zyban is an rx medication that has been known to help people quit smoking. It-s basically the same thing as Wellbutrin (the antidepressant). Go see a doctor and see if he-ll prescribe it to you.
I had a friend who finally manage to quit smoking after he follow the method shared on this website, and it works!
Talk to your doctor and see if your doctor can put you on some medicine, my mother is on some medicine and she smokes but not as much as she used to
How can i ever quit smoking? -