Best FREE ways to quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Best FREE ways to quit smoking? -

No -QuitAssist- crap or other sponsored sites. Just -Home-made- ideas if you can.
Stick a straw, toothpick, or a pen in your mouth instead of a cigarette. My husband did that until he quit smoking and he-s been smoke-free for 4 years now. Save the money you would use up to buy cigarettes and do something else with the money that you-ve wanted to get or really need.
Yep, just stop - cold turkey.
It-s 100% free.
Throw them out. Nicotine gum sparingly as needed. I only used 6 pieces.
Successfully quit a week ago this past Wednesday.
Go cold turkey. Also, cut way down on drinking while you are trying to quit, if you drink as well as smoke. Most people who are trying to quit say that the hardest thing is that they can-t drink without a cigarette in one hand. Another thing that really helped me was to find something to do with my hands when I really wanted a cigarette. I used to twirl my keys on my index finger or play with little pieces of tape to keep my hands busy so that I didn-t fill them with cigaretttes. Also, plan little rewards for yourself. If you make it so long without a cigarette, buy yourself a little something that you-ve wanted, or allow yourself some extra leisure time. The key is to stay really busy and make sure that your hands are active. I quit 10 years ago because my daughter was diagnosed with asthma. Having a really good reason (like not wanting to get lung cancer) and focusing on that can help, too. I don-t miss it one bit, but I still have to have things to do with my hands once in awhile, especially during high stress times. Good luck. You are doing a great thing for yourself.
Cold Turkey!!!!! Just quit.
put a rubber bad on your wrist. and every time you think about smoking, pull back the rubber band and let it go so it snaps you in the wrist. lol. idk...
its sounds stupid, but just give it a try.
Best FREE ways to quit smoking? -