How do you quit smoking when you have to for your health? -

Friday, June 2, 2006

How do you quit smoking when you have to for your health? -

Cronic Phnemonia, Asma, and other complications.

First - foremost how do U feel about PRAYER ?
Then u need 2 ask.. How much do I love MYSELF - the most important people in MY life..IF the loved ones in Ur life matter there is THE HOW..Look around U ..
get a coffin and slept in it that-s were you headed
I quit 8 years ago. I used pamprin pms to help when I was feeling -bitchy-. I quit cold turkey.
it is all will power and i know i have some will power but i haven-t taped into it yet so i-m right with you! i also know you have to want to quit and retrain your habits....
i really wish i could help but all iknow is it is the will power and your wanting to not smoke!
start retraining your subconsisiness by self talk saying to yourself that i am not a smoker i live a smoke free healthy life style.... and if you happen to pick up a smoke and you notice it stop it put it out and stand up and do some physical activity.. like jump up and down or throw blank punches... do something that you normally don-t then focus on your goals and your vision of what you want your life to be..
i-m reading this book i have yet to make it to action in my life but that-s what this motivational book says to do to break habits
they used food and over eating! instead of smoking but i have tried the jumping around looking like a fool everytime i lite a smoke... just to see how it felt to do it and when i was done jumping around i forgot about my smoke and kept reading the book...
well good luck
to you and to myself! cuz i will quit smoking here soon i just have to make up my mind that i really do want to and tap into my will power...
Mad luv
Repeat to yourself the reasons you need to quit smoking. I decided to quit smoking this year. Everyday I would wake up and think to myself, I-m going to have a heart attack or get cancer if I keep doing this. I chose a day to quit, and did it! I never thought it was going to work but it did. It-s been 3 months now and although I have smoked a few cigarettes when I was at a bar, I have not smoked on a daily basis. I am no longer addicted. You can do it!
you just do
i tried before and was using the patch but found once the addiction was gone i still had the habit of it. Like not knowing what to do with my hands you have to break both parts so i found a website that offers a natural simulation cigg. for 15 dollars that allows you to pick it up when u feel the urge go to E-Z good luck
You just answered your own question. Otherwise, get ready to die.
Cold turkey
try hypnosis
Get a jar. Fill it 1/4 the way with water. When you are done with your first cig. Place it in the jar. When you want another cig. You must first smell the jar. Have it and then put it out in the jar. Keep up with this process. It becomes revolting. I quit this way. Good luck.
Willpower. Find it and hold on to. its also a good Idea to remember how ridicolous you look while smoking.

My brother quite smoking 1 year ago when he figured out that he was afraid to fly. He said to himself... I sat on that plane thinking damn this thing could go down anytime. And I could die! The remarkable part was when he realized that he was killing himself the entire time... and yet he was afraid to die...
you stop Colleen
zyban is a prescription that helps you stop. go to your doctor and get a prescription. try nicorette gums or nicoderm patches. those will help.
JUST DO IT!! how long have u been smoking and how much? if u are as sick as u say i would think that would make it very easy. can u even take a puff without coughing ur brains out. go to the drug store and get the patch or some gum and dont hang out with people that dont support u. go to for lots of helpful hints and backup good luck
How do you quit smoking when you have to for your health? -