Will lungs heal if you quit smoking? -

Friday, June 16, 2006

Will lungs heal if you quit smoking? -

My brother is 21 and has been smoking for about 5 years. I-ve heard that if you quit smoking your lungs start to repair after 3 days. If this is true will his lungs eventually be completely healed? Also if you have any tips on convincing him to quit I would appreciate it.

It is absolutely worth quitting no matter how long someone has smoked! Every day without smoking will help in the long run.

Within 8 hours the carbon monoxide in his blood will drop by 1/2.
Within 1 year his risk of heart attack will have dropped by 1/2.
Within 5 years his risk of stroke will have dropped by 1/2.

***** Within 10 years his risk of lung cancer will have dropped to that of a person who NEVER SMOKED. *****

In encouraging him to quit, it is best to stress the effect his smoking has on others around him. Tell him that you look up to him and it upsets you that he smokes. He already knows about the risks to himself and sadly seems to think it-s worth it, but he might think twice if you point out that many girls won-t even look at a guy holding a cigarette, or that he would have to quit eventually anyway if he plans to have kids unless he intends to be a horrible influence, and it would be much easier to quit now than later. That being said, though, I agree - don-t nag. He-s a grown-up, and he has to make this decision on his own.

Also, if you have any really cute little kids in your family, have them get on his case about it. That worked for me, my little cousin made me quit.

Don-t be surprised if it takes a few tries. The higher number of times that a smoker tries and fails to quit, the higher the likelihood they will eventually succeed!
Smokers can not go to the instant stop or instantly quit smoking. It will affect their health very much. They should quit smoking in a gradual manner. Perhaps if your brother is smoking 5 cigarettes a day, he should try maybe to lessen 1 stick per day, until his body get use to it, then until he totally stops smoking. Menthol candy or chewing gum can also act as replacement for cigarettes.

Well one of the bad effect of being a smoker, other that health hazard, is having a bad breath. So ladies doesn-t want a guy with bad breath. Of course you know, not good for kissing...he he he! So I guess non-smokers are good kissers.

And of course it will greatly affect the lungs if he stops smoking. Things will be better - it will avoid the lungs to go into cancerous state. So better quit rather than too late.
Yes! As with anything that is overly used, your body can heal itself once it-s given the chance. Especially your lungs! It-s like a virus, you-re sick and coughing and you-ve got really bad pneumonia. But if we take that virus out with the right antibiotics, the lungs are able to repair themselves and are as good as new after a few weeks.

Quitting smoking now will greatly reduce his chances of any problems with his lungs in the future.
Yep, though I don-t know the exact timing of how it works. I-ve been smoke free for 1 year and 14 days, yippee.

However, YOU cannot convince him to quit. He has to decide to do that on his own. If you want to help, call your local hospital and ask for information or a phone number for a quit smoking program and give it to your brother. I took a 7 week class and so got patches and welbutrin for free, and altogether it worked like a charm--but the class is required to get the goodies. You may have a program like that in your area.

But everyone who nagged me to quit just pissed me off--and being pissed is a trigger to smoke. So don-t nag your brother :-).
things will get better, definately., but the lungs can never be completely healed after years of damgae
no they will never repair themselves once the damage is done but it is better to quit smoking so your lungs wont get worse
No THEy Will Still Be BLack BUt IS He Keeps smoKin They CAnt Get Worse And HE Can Die
your best answer is in this blog
Will lungs heal if you quit smoking? -