The best way to quit smoking? -

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The best way to quit smoking? -

has anyone actually given up on smoking and have become smoke free. i want to be like this but end up smoking again time after time. to help me quit i quit drinking alcohol and doing most things that influence me smoking. i also tried to go cold turkey and it works for a few days then i end up smoking again without even realizing it, such as when a friend gives me a fag.

help me please, ive been smoking for years and im only 22
I gave up smoking 2 years ago - it certainly wasn-t easy and even now I get the odd craving - I did it without using nicotine substitutes as they didn-t work for me at a previous attempt - there is no magic solution but for me it-s realising how bad it smells and what I must have smelled like for all the years I smoked - it absolutely stinks - good luck

Just like drinking, overeating, or playing too much golf, smoking is an addiction, and the first step to busting an addiction, is to admit that you have one. One thing I find that helps addictions is to get others involved; ask family not to smoke around you and tell others that you are quitting. Telling people will give you more motivation to do it, and sometimes they can help you through a difficult day. Medications can be expensive so work yourself off smoking little by little. When you get the urge, recognize it, then distract yourself with something else. I KNOW you can do it if you really want, just think about how happy you will be when you stop. And when you do, you have to promise yourself everyday that you wont smoke again, because once you do, your addiction is likely to come back. Good luck.
i have given up smoking now for a month and 4 days!!! yay for me! i never thought i would get anywhere near this far without a puff but i have! if i can you can!

my uncle who is over 60 a day smoker has given up and he is on his 4th month and my mum who smoked from the age of 13 - 38 hasnt had a fag in years! if we can do it anyone can!

i used patches for the first week and went on to the inhalator from there

my uncle used the patches only

mum used only the gum!

the aids do take the edge off of it so then you just need will power to not put that fag in your mouth and light it! stay clear of smokers and pubs for a while!!! dont drink coffee as that always makes me want one!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, try this site, its great at keeping track of everything! its really helped me stay focused

Good luck!
thats great that you stopped taking the other drugs and stuff, well done, i am a smoker too and i find it quite tough n i never really get around to it...there is a website called:

and in terms of addiction, this site actually goes through the effects that drugs cause and although it doesnt specify tobacco it gives a good ideas of how drugs work....
I just found will power was the only way through it, and rewarding yourself. Give yourself a treat for every two weeks that pass. I know it sounds harsh but will power is stronger than any drug.
Try Chantix I smoked for 30 years and I have now been smoke free for 15 months. I did have to change my patterns of when I smoked and I quit drinking for 6 months. I don-t even think about it any more.
It really help me the mindfulness meditation.
Have a look at the link and al the best
Take cocaine ime sure ule forget all about smoking after that hehe .

why quit smoking if u dnt like it quit if u like it dont quit only smoke in moderation i hav a cid like once a week or sumot only if its offered
As they say, the best way to quit smoking is to never start. I will be watching the answers to this question, because I am ready to quit, too!

Good luck!
Buy some nicotine products (they r very cheap on ebay
You hear about all these remedy-s They are a load of Boll***s, Stop now and but up with Consequences. Good Luck
I just stopped and didn-t start again.
The best way to quit smoking? -