Does anyone have ideas to help quit smoking? -

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Does anyone have ideas to help quit smoking? -

I-m having a really tough time trying to quit cold turkey.
I-ve been jonesing really bad lately.
There are several therapies available to help you.I have close friends who have quit with the help of hypnosis,acupuncture, drugs and -cold turkey- or is some cases a combination of two or more...Different strokes for different folks!
I don-t think there is one BEST way.I quit cold turkey and it was honestly the worst 10 days of my life, but it was ONLY TEN DAYS.You can do it too. I urge you to find a way(s) to do it by whatever means are available. Read everything and every tip that is available and employ all that you can to help you to succeed.Think about the many that have gone before you that have suffered in the same ways you have and will, but believe me when I say, it is absolutely worth anything you have to go through or any cost you have to incur to be free.
A doctor told me that the body can be free of any -chemical - addiction in 3 days, even long time heroin use, but the psycological addiction to the drug remains until YOU can find a way conquer the mental cravings.
I did it and I know you can do it too. Best of luck in your quest.……

start jogging, a cig is the last thing you will want.
I was a smoker for 20 years and now have been a non-smoker for almost 20 years. Here-s the trick to quiting - change your habits. Once you have stopped smoking for 24hrs, all of the nicotine is out of your system. When you -crave- a cigarette is more out of habit than anything else so you need to change everything you do that you associate with smoking. For instance, if you get up in the morning and have a cup of coffee and a cigarette while reading the paper or watching TV, change the habit by having your coffee while your washing dishes or dusting. Keep something in your hands to keep your hands occupied and your mind on something other than the cigarette. If you lite-up when you get in the car to drive somewhere, change that too! Turn on the car, put on your seatbelt and get going!! Don-t give yourself time to lite that smoke. I won-t lie, it is difficult for the first few months but it is well worth it! Think of all the money you will save, not to mention how healthy you will be! If you are really serious about quitting, then YOU CAN DO IT !!! And remember, always refer to yourself as -a former smoker- not someone who is -trying- to quit. If you say your only trying then you are giving yourself a reason to start again. GOOD LUCK !!! YOU CAN DO IT !!!
eat candies.... specially sweet ones or the minty ones everytime u get the urge to smoke

itll work promise!
don-t replace smoking with eating. You-ll gain a lot of weight.
Guess you have to have the mind set. There are plenty of support programs. Now nict stays in the system and by the 3rd or 4th day, your body is craving it. This is when you usually fall back into the routine of huffing and puffing. It is like any program, even weight loss. I quite 8 years ago, guess coughing up blood and two bouts of pneumonia and now chronic breathing problems in cold air reminds me of the habit. Don-t wait to stop due to a scare I had...stop before the scare comes. COPD is NOT fun to live with.
Champix in Australia and Chantix in America (they are both the same actually) are supposed to have a success rate of 40%.
Does anyone have ideas to help quit smoking? -