Trying to quit smoking weed, getting extremely restless, what can i do to help the restlessness? -

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trying to quit smoking weed, getting extremely restless, what can i do to help the restlessness? -

its only been a day and im already getting real restless i dont know how im gunna be in a week, trying to get answers while i can, thanks.
Do something that will keep you busy.
stay away from people that might tempt you

and your making a good choice. you-ll be very proud that you decided to quit.
PUFF PUFF PASSS!!!! haha just kidding dude... yo seriously, I was a hella chronic dude. It all depends on how much you smoke. I was smoking everyday roughly 1 joint... I know, i know, maybe isn-t that much... but, yeah, trying to get off that was crazy. I don-t see what the big deal is with not smoking weed? It-s not as bad as smoking cigs or drinking.

Anyways, so, what I did, I slowly gave myself time to get off it. Trying to stop cold turkey is going to be tough. Limit yourself to a J every 3rd day or something then from there every 4th day and so on.

You could always goto the gym and start working out or some ****.

The only reason why I started to cut back was because my girl doesn-t smoke. I use to have it around me all the time! smoking pipes bongs vaps, you name it, she got me off of it.

I still smoke but not as hard as I was before. My head is alot clearer and i can actually carry on a conversation. Like right now, I can-t seem to shut the **** up! hahahah

OK, but, i hope this helps dude. Challenge yourself.
I smoke weed, and yeah...quitting isnt on my mind anytime soon. But if you are -restless- this means you could get pain pills...they put you right to sleep. Oxy Contin, Tabs, more oxy contin n then some darvasettes then some Lil Wayne Codene Liquid purple drink called Syzzurp...or Syrup, do it up, you wont puss.
Chew gum.
Drink lots of water.
Try to get out and do something.
here you can find how to stop smoking easy
id say end your night with a nice hot bubble bath... think about the positive advantages and gains from quitting, also the boost in self esteem for quitting, a habit is formed in 30 days...
haha to the answer above me... I do not think you should use a drug way worse then weed to quit weed
Trying to quit smoking weed, getting extremely restless, what can i do to help the restlessness? -