After i quit smoking Cannabis a week ago... i still feel slightly strange in the head...? -

Monday, December 14, 2020

After i quit smoking Cannabis a week ago... i still feel slightly strange in the head...? -

I stopped smoking cannabis a week ago after doing it for about 3 months (i know it doesn-t sound long) and ever since then, i still feel a tiny bit stoned all the time and sometimes i feel like i-m in a dream world.....

Will this feeling pass after a month or so? Or will i be stuck with it for life, i-m worried, HELP
I thought you felt like that smoking cannabis
It will pass in time; cannabis is like any other substance - if you withdraw it suddenly after a period of regular use, you will notice a difference.

Three months of use is not, IMO, long enugh to trigger a serious problem, though it does sound like cannabis probably isn-t for you, so good for you for being sensible enough to quit. Too many people just press on, and wind up making themselves ill, which does nothing to help the decrim campaign..
everyone is so stupid,they act like mary j is so bad,your body is flushing out toxins and you might have slight witdrawals,other than that u will be fine,as for me 420 4 life
First let me congratulate you on your decision to stop putting any kind of drug into your body, as you must know, any drug will take a while to completely leave your system,so just give it time, please don`t be tempted to restart, you do not know if you would be one of these people that has an addictive nature and be likely to progress to other stronger drugs, all of these really sad people that have their lives ruined by drugs also started by using the lesser ones. Sermon over, sorry.
it-ll die down the longer you go clean. just withdrawral symptoms and such, whch continue for a while because your brain has been used to the influx of cannabis. should go quite soon. just dont go back to doing it.
I-m not sure, but grats on quitting! It-s an addictive drug when you-re depressed, I know, and it-s hard not to turn to it or alcohol to numb the senses. I-ve never heard of any lingering effects of marijuana - could you have gotten a bad batch laced with something else??
It will pass, I have been in the same boat too. It was very strange and I felt dazed for a while.
After i quit smoking Cannabis a week ago... i still feel slightly strange in the head...? -