I want to quit smoking as my New Year resolution.? -

Thursday, December 17, 2020

I want to quit smoking as my New Year resolution.? -

Can anybody please tell me the very best food that will refill all the health you lost for having this smoking habit? I want to know what parts of your body gets effected because of smoking and what is or what are the best food (s), vegetables and fruits that will help you to recover all that you lost because of years of smoking.
You can get idea about New Year Resolution which are easily available through many sources like Internet, or some forward mails. It is the right time to take feasible New year Resolutions.

Some people make impossible and impractical resolutions. And after that, it will be difficult to follow such resolution and they will give it up.


Quitting smoking alone will greatly improve your health. That and healthy eating with regular exercise will do wonders!

I wish you the best of luck!
The most damage to your body when smoking is to your lungs, respiratory system and to repair that do normal exercises with deep breathing. No particular types of food is needed but just your ordinary healthy choices. Good luck!
I want to quit smoking as my New Year resolution.? -