How did YOU quit smoking? -

Friday, July 7, 2006

How did YOU quit smoking? -

I don-t care to hear form non-smokers/X-smokers please. I know everyone knows everything, but I need someone who has been through this problem to help me. Thanks a bunch.

If you only smoke when your not busy or you smoke when you-re bored: try a quit smoking hot-line; nicotine gum; or quitting cold turkey.

Your Method:

Usually, people who smoke when they-re bored have restless lives or restless energy. A hot-line will give you something to do, going cold turkey will make you even more restless and you find yourself doing something that seems to make you forget you haven-t smoked. The nicotine gum is touch and go because restless people tend to have addictive personalities and could probably get addicted to the gum itself (but not necessarily).

How I Know:

I became addicted to the gum and then ended up quitting smoking and the gum cold turkey.
Honestly i had to really think hard about why i wanted to, and once i found out that reason, i just quit, and went cold turkey and havent smoked since. The reason...i stayed at a veterans hospital for a few months cause i have ptsd and was getting treatment, well i was sitting down getting a smoke and a vietnam vet with a large oxygen tank, tapped me on the shoulder, pointed at the tank and then his nostrils where the oxygen was connected to and he said. -Its not worth it-
I quit cold turkey. That was 6 years ago and I still get cravings. I had the additional motivation of getting a severe lung complication ( sarcoidosis - a growth that invades organs, and leaves calcified deposits ) and having two doctors telling me that if I wanted to live to be old, quit smoking now.

On two occasions I have relapsed and purchased a pack of cigarettes. I did not smoke a whole pack either time, in fact I was suprised how yucky tasting they were. I knew that I was possibly tempting fate and threw them away unfinished each time.

It is not easy. If I am stressed I get cravings, and if I am working on something maintenance wise I get a craving because I used to smoke whenever fixing something around the house or car.

You don-t just turn it off. I assume I will always be fighting the cravings. I am just trying to make it as long of a fight as possible ( meaning, I live as long as possible ).

GOOD LUCK in your struggle, you are not alone.

Peace and good health.
I was fortunate enough to sign up with a research group at SFSU. Not only did I get paid to quit but the program that they used to help me quit was successful. I smoked for 22 years straight and had never even attempted to quit before. The program had us on the patch ( from strongest to lightest), had us come in to group about 1x a month and had us take Wellbutrin to take the edge off. Those thing plus a few other important exercises and tips worked for me and my boyfriend like a charm. It-s wonderful that you want to quit, you can do it!
My dad quit smoking after 40 years of smoking habit with 1-2 packs a day at least. It is about why you want to quit?
Exercising will help, cut your stick day by day, chew some gum when you feel like smoking or you can consult doctor. It is common to consult doctor nowadays.
i had a child that i drove to school in school bus tell me that smoking would kill me, and they wanted me around for awhile. i threw the rest of the pack in the trash, and never have smoked since.

a friend of mine quit by chewing on toothpicks. he still chews toothpicks, but hasn-t lit up in 10 years.

i know how hard it is to quit, but if ya really truly want to quit, you can accomplish your goal. good luck JD
I quit about a month ago. I took steps to completely stop. At first I took my cigs everywhere with me school ,work, everywhere. I stoped doing that and left them at home so I could only smoke at home. Then I started to monitor my count. I limited myself to 10, then 6 then 3 then I quit. Took over a year to finally stoped but I never think about smoking anymore.
I cut off all of my -fun money- funds. I smoked 2 packs a week, so instead I put that $10 in a jar and that jar, once it had enough in it, could be spent on anything I wanted.

Basically I-m really money oriented and that-s why it worked for me. I-ve been clean for over a year and I still stick the $10 in the jar as a continuing reward system.
Today is my 6th day without a ciggarette. Everytime I wanna smoke I have 1-2 glasses of water because I am really scared of the weight gain. I havent seen any of my friends that smoke this week because I am avoiding temptation. I unfortunatly dont have any suggestions for the moods as i am struggling with this as well.
You-ll need to get your mind off the cigarettes. Depends on how much you smoked, a pack a day is going to be hard to break, but 2 packs is insanity. Try smoking less at first, and work your way down. Patches and gum might work, but they only feed to the addiction, so ultimately, it-s going to suck.
-quitting is easy, i have done it loads of times-

i did it with the aid of patches. the gum is disgusting. also the inhaler is good as you hold it like you would a smoke.
as best said from my friends and myself, you need motivation and you need distractions. i had a major soda addiction where i would drink 12 cans a day, so i cut it to 3 per day, then none. good luck....
I just quit cold turkey. Did that twice in the same manner. Last time bacause we got pregnant, maybe that′s an option :)). jokes aside, good luck.
If you want to quit smoking visit or e-mail me at
Tried all the methods - gum, patch, hypnosis. Nothing worked, so now I just enjoy it.
i just stopped

no more smoking cigarettes and weed for me

How did YOU quit smoking? -