How do people quit smoking bud? -

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How do people quit smoking bud? -

Im trying and it is one of the hardest things I have attempted to change, in my life. I think tobbacco is tuffer to quit though. Uh, like the other person said, you have to want to,then it is much easier. Either way.....keep busy, all day long, as much as you can. Dont let yourself get hungry. Drink lots of cold water.Especially in the first days of detoxing. Keep drinking it anyways :) Stay away from users. Its an instant fast track back. Remind yourself constantly of the downside to using. When we want to use. we think fondly, of getting high and forget all the negative crap that comes along with it. For instance, being zoned out all the time, memory issues,spending $ on drugs,instead of food and bills.killing motivation,people thinking im a moron, Me feeling like im a moron lol etc....add to it what you will. The more reasons you have to remind yourself, the better. Be greatful you only struggle with a pot issue, and not a chemical one....So much easier to kick. Chemicals and booze store differently in our bodies than pot, and cause extreme illness when detoxing( about 3-4 weeks to be out of system) Pot is psychological.It takes about 6 months, before your brain clears all the smoke out and you can think clearly again. Best of luck to you.......
Start smoking the kiff only.

Since the hit will be minimal, you will soon come to realise it is not worth the effort.....and you will quit.

Better than going cold turkey.

If you go cold turkey, you will always remember the quality of the they will be the last memory of smoking weed.

If you finish by smoking the kiff, then the memories will be of a mediocre smoking experience.
Easily, it is not physically addictive.

However, if it has become a habit, you really just need some self-control.
you go cold turkey and pray and ask God to help you not to be addicated anymore and just really go cold turkey its really hard to do but God can help you
changing your group of friends, exercising, and getting busy. ---worked for me, I still see my old friends occasionally but don-t hang out with them when they are with mary jane.
you have to want to quit, then you can. promise
they just say-this buds for you, not me- and they quit.
I agree with seashore honey...
How do people quit smoking bud? -