With my busy schedule, I cant exercise that often. How can I quit smoking without gaining weight? -

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

With my busy schedule, I cant exercise that often. How can I quit smoking without gaining weight? -

You most likely will not gain MUCH weight. If anything, the most you-re *likely* (depending on your body) to gain is 5-10lbs. Keep eating healthy, and when you feel like you need a cig, try eating sunflower seeds. They contain a chemical that is similar to nicotine. Try this, and you really shouldn-t gain any weight. Best of luck!
if you have time to smoke a cigarrette (5 minutes) then you have time to climb the stairs or someother type of exercise for those 5 minutes. the reason many people smoke is because of the need to keep their hands busy, as well as the oral gratification that comes with it. try sugar free suckers or candy, or 0 calorie drinks.-blurey
Chew gum - stock up on low-calorie foods. If your will power is strong enough you can do alright. You can also buy small flavored cigars if you don-t want to break the habit but you can get away from the nicotine.
Eat celery. Eating/chewing celery uses up more calories that what is contained in the celery! Cool huh?
Don-t use food as a replacement for smoking.
Chew gum. Most gum is only 5 calories. Or get a pet; they can keep you busy for awhile.
buy the patch and avoid alcohol. both help tremendously.
If your that busy, where do you find to smoke.
With my busy schedule, I cant exercise that often. How can I quit smoking without gaining weight? -