Anybody tried hypnosis or accupuncture as a way to quit smoking? -

Monday, March 9, 2009

Anybody tried hypnosis or accupuncture as a way to quit smoking? -

How much did it cost? I-ve tried the patches and gum but couldn-t hold out for more than a few weeks.
A friend of mine had hypnotherapy to help her quit smoking. She quit smoking for a few days because she couldn-t stand it, however, she soon realised that her hypnotic message was immune from menthol cigarettes. So she carried on smoking, only she smokes menthol cigggies only. So it worked and it didn-t. I haven-t met anybody who tried acupuncture for giving up smoking but I know that acupuncture is good for many problems (if the acupuncturist is good). A session may cost about £25. I think your best bet is to go cold turkey because I don-t believe in those replacement things (you-ll never give up and you always want the -real thing-). Go for a jog, have a cold shower, clean the house from top to bottom to occupy yourself while you are craving. Your cravings shouldn-t last for long (maybe few days) so you should be all right. Good luck!
Acupuncture works out to be expensive if you have been smoking for more than 3 years. 2 sessions a week @ £25/40 per session and then you have herbs to buy on top of that. Have you tried Zyban yet? It is available on prescription from your GP and you dont stop straight away but in the second week of taking them. It strips the nicotine from your body therefore removing the craving.
My friend had hypnosis and it stopped her instantly. Its been a couple of years and she still cant stand smoking.
A good friend of mine who smoked 40+ a day went for hypnosis. It wasn-t cheap (she wouldn-t tell me how much) but it did work.
Five years on and she still isn-t smoking.
(Incidentally she tried all sorts of other remedies before this)
My mother and grandmother had acupuncture 25yrs ago, my grandmother said it was brilliant and the acupuncturist helped her with many other problems too.

I don-t like the idea of a hypnotist though, having been put under on stage, it wasn-t a pleasant experience. plus I missed most of the party and the free bar!!
hypnosis cost me £150 and didn-t work, accupuncture cost me £25 a session for eight weeks and only worked as long as i was having it.
Yes, I-ve tried both and neither of them worked. This was quite a few years ago and cost me a fortune.

2 years ago I tried Zyban - only available from your GP, and it has side effects - and this stopped me instantly.
No I used nicotine gum I tried to stop for ten years and used the gum at least 25 times in the past five years. I haven-t had a smoke for 7 months now and I am confident I have done it this time. I am scared silly of ever smoking again.
Stick a needle in your ciggy several times....the more holes the less satifying the drag....might help you quit!
Tried both. Good thing is two of the GPs at my local practise are qualified and the treatments cost me nothing. Good thing, -cos neither of them worked. Hypnosis worked instantly for my brother though. I think it depends on the person, and how much they WANT to give up.
Anybody tried hypnosis or accupuncture as a way to quit smoking? -