Does tar stay in your lungs forever after youve quit smoking? -

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Does tar stay in your lungs forever after youve quit smoking? -

I used to smoke but i went cold turkey coz i was afraid that i would get cancer and heart disease from it.So i was wondering with all the cigarettes that i smoked and the tar left behind in my lungs. Does it stay there forever ? or does it go away somehow ?
It goes. It takes about a decade, but it goes, don-t worry.
they do stay in your lungs for some time but it slowly is extracted by the body. will eventually go, as long as you stay healthy.
yes it will u shude have not started 2 smoke

god bless u
It will go away natrually, but it takes some time. Depending on how long/much you smoke, it could take anywhere from 6 months to 10 years.
It goes away eventually, after ten years of smoking cessation your body has recovered to the point that any effects have gone - its as if you-ve never smoked at all. So 9 years and 363 days for me to go then!
take many years up to 40 even longer but they will never be the same again
The cilia in your lungs will eventually remove it. It-ll take a while.
No, it will not stay there forever. Usually after you have quit smoking...the tar will begin to resolve after about 7 years. It may seem like a long time to just BEGIN...but thats better than to keep adding to it right?

Glad u quit smoking...I think it-s unattractive in men and women.
only till you die.not forever.
your lungs heal but the damage is already donee they r scared fo life
it goes away...eventually. nothing immediate.
I think that the tar does stay. However, i do think your body gets rid of some of it through breathing and blood circulation. Try searching it on the interenet. I-m not entirely sure.
Does tar stay in your lungs forever after youve quit smoking? -