Anyone out there taking Chantix to quit smoking? -

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Anyone out there taking Chantix to quit smoking? -

How are you feeling? After finishing the pills for 3 mo. have there been cravings to smoke again?
I-m on my 2nd week. I quit on the 21st. Chantix is GREAT. I prepared myself to quit so I was ready to battle the cravings. Which is pretty much what I did every other time I tried to quit, and failed. But I-m making it this time. For real! I still crave a smoke, but it-s only my frist week, and I only crave one when I remember it, and it-s not as difficult to tell myself not to. It-s easier than I thought it would be. It makes the cravings so much less harsh. I even sat next to my dad smoking in a truck all weekend, and never cheated. It really works. The side effects (for me-weird dreams, nausea, and sewer-like gas :] ) are worth it!!!!!!
Anyone out there taking Chantix to quit smoking? -