I wanna quit smoking, but I am really stressed!? -

Friday, January 1, 2010

I wanna quit smoking, but I am really stressed!? -

I really need to quit smoking... But I am so stressed right now. I am facing some possible medical issues, and need to change my lifestyle. Starting with the smoking, I am just so stressed out right now. Anyone been through this, any suggestions? Cold turkey is just not an option for me, and I have horrible will power. I have a baby girl and really wanna stick around to see her grow up! Please help me!
Also there is no scare tactic that will help me, I have had 3 realatives die in the last 2 years from cancer and that has only made me smoke more! HELP!
Make an appointment with your doctor to determine which smoking cessation aids would work for you. Join a support group. There are 3 Yahoo support groups. Check them out. My favorite is Nicotine Busters.

Good luck to you!


i smoked for 25, nearly 26 years and have been smoke free for 2 years and 4 months. I quit cold turkey and called this 1 800 Quit Now line, it is free no strings attached and support when ever you need it, plus buy lots and lots of bottled water, when i first started, every time i had a craving for a cigarette i opened a bottle of water and sucked it down and after that my craving was gone. Water is great because it is low in sodium, sugars and calories, since there aren-t any in water.
Gaining weight is one of the biggest side effects i had when i quit and originally gained like 15 pounds, but after like the first year i joined a gym and could actually use the bikes, stair masters, jogging machines, weights etc and not lose my breath, i am today 25 pounds lighter then when i was smoking, so i lost the 15 pounds i gained plus another 10 pounds.
A Yahoo search for -how to quit smoking- will help you.
There is a new medication on the market called Chantix that blocks the nicotine receptors in the brain reducing the cravings considerably, talk to your doc to get a prescription. Hope this helps, good luck!
I wanna quit smoking, but I am really stressed!? -