Helping my brother quit smoking? -

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Helping my brother quit smoking? -

alright. so i-m going to show my brother some of the awful facts and pictures about the negative effects of smoking. can anybody give me some sites with gnarly pics and facts about smoking? you may all think this wont work, but my brother is fairly receptive to information. so i really hope it at least helps him. thanks!
Look it up on youtube that is what got my brother to quit smoking.
And when he is quiting he will most likely be going through withdrawal and be very irritable, so be ready for an emotional roller-coaster.
I hope you get him to quit and when he starts that he succeeds!!
I hope I helped:)
-Kaley K
The easiest way for me to quit smoking was to start using nicoderm patches. I have been a smoker for over 10 years and while it was difficult the patches helped me so much. Amazon has them on sale with free shipping.
canadian cigarette warnings. enjoy!
you might want to find bigger and better quality pictures, though.
Try This
Helping my brother quit smoking? -