I want to quit smoking, but have a no success in it? -

Monday, September 17, 2012

I want to quit smoking, but have a no success in it? -

I am also promising myself, no more ciggaretes, but always smoke than previous day. I have tried, all type of medication and meditation, but always fail to quit smoking. Please don-t suggest to me a hypothetical answer like this : increase willpower, believe in god, bla.. bla.. bla... I have tried all this before but can-t get a succes. Please give me a scientific reason to quit smoking. Thanks in advance. If you have (inspiration) story to whats could be wrong with smoking. so mostly welcome.
it-s easier to quit heroin, per the studies............i quit after having surgery once, - then quit due to pnemonia, have quit from being saved in church...........but now i smoke til i-m toxic........i wish i could quit............i don-t smoke if i don-t have them in the house, then i-ll end up @ the end of the day going out for a carton...........
You want science? Look around you. There are reasons to quit everywhere.

Mark Twain said, -It-s easy to quit smoking. I-ve done it hundreds of times.-

Here-s the thing: you-ll do it when you-re ready. I found that when i put myself on a program, etc, that I would always sabotage my own efforts.

I found that being kind to myself worked better. Even today, after six years of not smoking, I always tell myself that if I absolutely HAD to have a cigarette, I could have one. The idea of NEVER having another was too much for me -- so I just take it one craving at a time.

Good luck to you. Stop procrastinating. (Or don-t. It-s your life.)

it still comes back to the power of the mind, baby!

you can-t quit, coz you like it so much = you don-t want to!

you will quit, when you really hate it and you really don-t want to smoke!

boring, i know.. but that-s the truth!
there are many institutional treatment. Without help it isn,t work, the willpower really bla... bla. Succes
No matter how many -scientific- methods you use to quit smoking, you can-t quit unless you really really want to. Yes, i-m about to say it, bla.....bla.....bla willpower and determination is the only way you will ever be able to quit successfully.
Well....my aunt started coughing up blood and then went through horrible chemo treatments and died. I am quitting january 2d for good. ( i have smoked 30 years)
I wish I knew the answer. Your friends and family would like nothing better than you to quit. But then, I-ve got faults too, so who am I go give advice. LOL
you have scientific reasons everywhere
personally I have stopped it a few times
when you have a good day to try you could delaying your first morning ciggaret untill next morning...
I could also do it,better than sharing advices
Well. I am (again) quitting for the prototypical new years resolution reasons. A scientific reason? Death would sum it up. Also, think about being a ludicrous slave to the addiction. What does it give you? I am willing to bet that your first couple of cigarettes in the morning are great, and then you simply smoke because your addiction compels you. You dont really enjoy the rest. Anyways, you can see where i am going with this. I am certainly not speaking -from on high-. Good luck to you. We will both need it.
I want to quit smoking, but have a no success in it? -