I quit smoking two weeks ago and ive already gained 6 pounds!!!!? -

Friday, September 28, 2012

I quit smoking two weeks ago and ive already gained 6 pounds!!!!? -

How did this happen?

I quit smoking so that i can be healthier, not fatter!

Does anybody have any tips?
Smoking not only suppresses appetite but also helps the food stay in your stomach a while longer which is why you do not feel hungry as often.
Also think of what you-ve been doing instead of having a smoke, looking for a bite to eat perhaps?

If that-s the case you could try having some of your favorite fruit on hand at all times .
It could be because you are eating more. I know smoking can suppress appetite. Just eat healthy and avoid junk or overeating.

-Most people experience a small amount of weight gain when they quit smoking. This is due to metabolic changes our bodies go through when we quit. A gain of 5 to 10 pounds is normal.

Nicotine affects our bodies in a variety of ways, one of which is to elevate metabolism, so when we quit smoking, metabolism slows and a slight gain is usually the result. If the scales go higher than a 10 pound gain though, chances are your eating habits have changed.-
There is a VERY good chance that most of those 6 pounds are just water weight. Have you been eating more or -worse- since you-ve quit smoking? Smoking is highly linked to oral fixations, so many people who quit smoking tend to eat A LOT more than they used to.
Great job at quitting smoking. You did do something healthy and it will not make you -fatter- if you don-t let it. Just make healthy food choices and try to get in some physical activity every day, even if you just take a 30 min walk.
I quit smoking years back and after I quit I always craved sugar (still do). Try chewing gum or eating some fruit if and when you have a craving.
I quit smoking two weeks ago and ive already gained 6 pounds!!!!? -