I quit smoking weed, what should I expect? -

Monday, September 3, 2012

I quit smoking weed, what should I expect? -

I-ve been smoking everyday for about 2 years. I recently quit this is my 3rd day. What is my body going to be going through? What should I expect/what should I do? Is there anything I should buy at the store to assist me? Thank ya very mucho.
It-s not addictive. You should not expect anything.
Your breathing will become better. You may notice a little more energy. Your memory will improve over time.

You shouldn-t need anything to help, because marijuana isn-t addictive unless you make it. The only people who have trouble quitting are people who simply don-t want to.

I-ve smoked off and on for...12 years and have had to quit multiple times for different reasons. Working at a job that drug tests, getting pregnant, getting a lower paid job, low funds due to car trouble, etc. Never once did I have the slightest bit of trouble quitting.

If you have any trouble at all quitting, then it is all in your head. The human mind is very powerful. If you think you need it, you will. Just remind yourself that you don-t need or want it any time you get the urge to smoke. Remind yourself why you-re quitting. It-s really no big deal, so don-t make it one.
You can expect a little withdrawal, yes I-m for real, things like finding it harder to get to sleep at night, irritability, loss of appetite, depression, memory issues, et cetera for the next couple weeks or so. Should be totally fine in about a month. Stick with whatever you know is best for you.
Well first off, Im sorry to hear you quit. I had to stop for a while after everyday for almost nearly a year and i felt an increase in my anger and my patience dropped dramatically. You might still want to smoke, but you don-t have to since weed is not addicting. hope it all works out for you.
You-ll probably notice that during the day your mind is a lot clearer and you can focus better. Also, you may get moody. Mood swings are a symptom when coming off of ANY drug. Kava tea/extract, used as follows can give a calming effect that can help soothe mood swings.

Also - now that your a non-smoker, expect life to seem boring and dull. JK ;-)
i use to smoke weed everyday for around the same amount as time as you. and i quit. nothing happened to me. im still fine. im happy....everythings the same. but if you think things will change for you then they might but only because your making yourself think things. i wouldnt stress it ur going to be fine. i think weed is the least harmful drug out there. i think you would get more side effects from taking a bayor or asprin whatever its called, everyday to prevent heart attacks and then just stopped taking them. honestly i think everything has side effects just depends on what type of person you are. good luck
Keep busy, stay strong, eventually you will notice positive effects. Memory gets better, loose weight (no more munchies), save money, clearer head, and no fear of drug testing.

Good luck! I think it-ll take you only a couple weeks to get through the withdrawls.
there-s no physical addiction to weed, only psychological. Just keep your mind occupied with other things, you should be fine. Don-t expect -withdrawl- symptoms like you do with cocaine or other rec drugs.


People here talk about how they gave up weed like yourself and share their stories on how and what they went through

You might find your answers there
When I have to quit for work I will have dreams that I got high. I wake up in a panic thinking I got high and I am gonna fail my drug test! It-s freaky. Other than that I have no other issues.
Don-t assume you need to replace weed with something. Just ride it out. Eat lots, drink lots. Get some exercise. No pills, no powders.
Lol nothing.

You don-t go through physical w/d...
I hate when people act like they-re about to go through opiate or heroin withdraws... stfu alreadyy and stop whining
it made me depressed when i quit
I quit smoking weed, what should I expect? -