Anybody know anything about Chantix quit smoking Rx? -

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Anybody know anything about Chantix quit smoking Rx? -

Heard about it from some friends it worked for. Heard it had some potentially scary side effects (graphic nightmares, severe nausea). Also heard it had been taken off the market due to increased suicides. Ordered it anyway. Any input greatly appreciated.
I smoked for 30 years. I have tried several different ways to quit over the years. The only thing that has ever worked for me was the Chantix. I took the months supply and haven-t touched a cig since. I do not crave cigarettes. They do not put nicotine into your system so it really cuts the desire. I didn-t have any adverse side affects at all. One thing you must do! You really have to have the desire to quit. Good luck
Well my mom took it to quit smoking and I think she only had strange dreams. Her brother also took it to quit but it took him waaaay longer to quit than her. She smoked for 40 years and is now smoke free for 3 years. She defiantly wasn-t nauseated when she took it. Hope this gives you some insight

i remember now the nauseating side effect was only at the idea of smoking a ciggarette. this is how the pill works. makes it to where when you smoke one it taste horrible and makes you feel off.

P.S My boyfriend and I both quit cold turkey no pills. But we are young and he smoked for i think 10 years and i smoked for 7 years.
I was trying to quit smokig and My doctor prescribe me chantax this week. I haven-t yet bought it but if it is that risky he wouldn-t have prescribe for me. I first used the patch but it didn-t help me that is why he I wanna use chantax. But now I have questions too since it might increased suicide. I don-t wanna kill my self.
I haven-t heard anything good about it so far. My wife and I started using the nicotine gum to try to quit, been on it for over 6 months now. We were amazed to find that you buy it at flea markets for around $5 to $15 a box. When you have to pay the $50 and $60 they want in the stores for a box you start thinking.............. wow, if I have to spend that much I-d rather be buying cigarettes! Good luck on quitting!
My cousin used it and he still smokes. It was more of a social thing for him.

On the other hand it worked for my grandma, but she did get severe nausea. She also has high anxiety while on the drug.
Have heard it works was going to try it myself... but now this information maybe not. I know I didnt try it because insurance does not cover it. Good Luck!!!
sounds like a cool drug, which street do i go for it? I can go for some nightmares.
Anybody know anything about Chantix quit smoking Rx? -