Can dipping be used instead of patch or other meds to help quit smoking? -

Friday, May 19, 2017

Can dipping be used instead of patch or other meds to help quit smoking? -

I know dipping isn-t good for me, and I-m not looking for a PC answer. Dipping helps ease the urge ALOT because of the nicotine, but it-s helping my body heal from smoking. Why isn-t it recommended for an aide rather than the patch wich does the same thing as dipping....releases nicotine to help with physical withdraw so you can focus on habit part first?
Dipping will allow the nicotine to go directly into the bloodstream, that is like going from smoking crack to making it a liquid and injecting it. Dipping is probably more addictive, just less popular. Good luck.
DIpping is just another way to get the nicotine, only without the smoke. It also raises your chance of mouth cancer. It is disgusting to look at and to watch people spit. Girls wont want to kiss you. You are addicted more to the nictotine than the actual smoking.
if you wish to quit smoking the best natural way is to avoid the situations or thing or people because of whom you smoke,you even directly say it to your mind that you have to quit smoking this will help you i have even quitted smoking.
replacement therapy for any addiction is only good if you change the behaviors associated with your addiction.

So your lungs are healing while you are giving yourself mouth and throat cancer.

Find something that isn-t nicotine to alleviate your withdrawals.

You-re not addressing the nicotine, you-re just feeding your addiction in different manner.

When you need a cigarette, try doing something, not just putting something into your body to alleviate the craving. This is going to sound really creepy, but nothing knocks out a drug craving like sex.

If you can go three days without nicotine, you have won half the battle. After 5 days, the cravings are psychological and not physical anymore and less intense.
Dipping isn-t typically used as a smoking cessation tool because of the increased risk of mouth cancer, and the fact that it-s just an unappealing habit to many (watching someone spit saliva soaked tobacco).

The patch is something you put on and don-t think about again...the gum is a bit more noticable (chewing)...but trying to get off tobacco by using tobacco, doesn-t make much sense...y-know?
Because dipping leads to throat cancer, tongue cancer, cancer of the mouth - look at those photos - you will get off tobacco very quickly!

Don-t be a dipstick! Your body is not healing, you are just relocating the problem. And fooling yourself.
Can dipping be used instead of patch or other meds to help quit smoking? -