How did you quit smoking cigarettes? -

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How did you quit smoking cigarettes? -

I quit by using the patch. It wasn-t as hard as I thought. You have to want to quit. Really, really want to quit. I went through the whole 3 steps and have been smoke free for 4 months now.
Hubby just didn-t buy any more cigarettes and sucked on hard candy and chewed sugar free gum.
My mom got pregnant with me so quit cold turkey
I used the patch, but beware, you MUST REALLY WANT TO QUIT. If you are not committed, you will fail.
Cold turkey is definitely hard.
And the recidivism rate for the -patch- and -gum- are sad to say the least.
I agree, chewing gum or hard candy is definitely helpful, but it is hard when smoking or dipping becomes a part of your routine. Like smoking while driving, while quitting, driving may be annoying. They say that if you can get past the first 3 days cold turkey you have a great chance of keeping with it.

Don-t get discouraged and remember -YOU CAN DO IT!-
I said, -Enough of this.- And that was it.
Used the patch for a month and a half to get over the grouchy sleepies. Been smoke free for a year now.
How? You don-t buy any more. You don-t have any available and you don-t allow others to smoke in the same room as you are in.

I-ve smoked for 35 years, every single day. Until 2 days ago. None since then. 3 days in about 6 hours. They say if ya can go -cold turkey- for 4 to 5 days, the physical worst is behind ya. But that the mental part will never totally leave. I agree with that because I used them as a crutch for so many things. And if I couldn-t find a reason, well then boredom became yet another reason. I could chew one in half right now. Oh, and if there was one in the house, I-d probably smoke it before day 3 got here...... ;(

How do ya quit smoking? I dunno..... yet.
the way i quite was... i first just tryed my hardest to not buy anymore. and also using that nicotine gum really helps to.
Cold turkey after watching my Mother with CO-PD, Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema walk around with an oxygen hose behind her. I don-t want to live that way. It has change her life sooo much. She smoked 60 years. I wish she had quit years ago, but if she wasn-t sick, I bet she would still be smoking.

I Love My Mother but she doesn-t think she will have that much of a future. I hope that is not true. As long as she is alive, I-ll make sure she has as much fun as she can take. She can-t walk that much before she gets winded. She has to use a wheel chair with her oxygen canister on the chair, but I do take her out for some good clean air-mostly Sunday when there isn-t as many cars on the road. She loves it!.

Stop smoking somehow. It will be 2 years for me in August.
cold turkey the first time, then...10 years later, i started smoking again. now I am talking to my Dr. about Chantix. hope it works.
How did you quit smoking cigarettes? -