Help! I am trying to quit smoking and now I cant even function at work!? -

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Help! I am trying to quit smoking and now I cant even function at work!? -

I have smoked for ten years and a week ago I decided to quit. I have been on the nicotine patch for 4 days now but it only helps a few hours each day.

I am disoriented, moody, depressed, and have these crazy migraines all day long. I am also drinking a lot more coffee and tea to make up for the nicotine.

How can I function better throught the day while I am trying to quit smoking?
Instead of the patch, perhaps nicotine gum or lozenges might be a better answer for you? People who are social smokers, or have a regular smoking routine instead of chain smoking all day, often find that the little bursts of nicotine (and activity) from the gum or lozenges work better than the slow and steady action of a patch. If you were a very heavy smoker, you might want to use the patch PLUS gum or lozenges, but you should check with a doctor or pharmacist first.

Also, congratulations! If you-ve got through the first week, you-ve got through the worst week.
Check the strength of the nicotine patch as well, inside the pack it should come with a leaflet and it gives you symptoms of a nicotine overdose.
Symptoms are sweating, nausea, dizziness, confusion, headache, hearing and vision disturbances, stomach upset and weakness.I smoked a similar amount to you and was recommended to start on the heaviest patches and ended up getting a nicotine overdose, it just sounds familiar of what happened to me. All the best with giving up.
Well for gosh sakes your hyped up on caffeine.

Self control, the rest of us did it.
Awesome! keep at it you will get over that part and soon you will start to feel amazing. Phew! Doesn-t it feel better to know that the longer you stay away the lower your chances of getting lung cancer will be. Give yourself a break. You will twice as energetic at work soon to make up for lost prodcutivity. Think of all of the smoke breaks you are missing now.
a lady I work with sucks on licorice... it makes up for the mouth fixation. Just think once it-s over it-s over, you-re already four days into it, DON-T quit!! My parents smoked until I was a senior in HS and I have all these asthmatic problems from the second hand smoke, you are doing a good thing! Maybe you should stop with all the caffeine and sip iced herbal teas through straws, at least it wouldn-t have calories.
Help! I am trying to quit smoking and now I cant even function at work!? -