Quit smoking!!!? -

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Quit smoking!!!? -

I got a problem.. im 17 years old i have been smoking for 4 years now and i really wanna quit. But i just cant!! and i feel pretty bad about it . any tips?? thnks
Yes you can! Don-t let negativity enter into your mind. I did it and so can you. Just make the commitment and the longer you go without smoking the less urge you will have.
Tried the patch, gross gum and those commit things. None of that crap worked at all! I used the program from this site - it-s wroked pretty well as I-ve been smoke free for a couple of months now - and my will power sucks!


Hope this helps,

When you feel like you want to smoke, drink or eat something and think what will happen to you if you continue smoking...(You do know, don-t you?) There are these things that you stick on your skin to help you and there is medicine.....GOOD LUCK!!!=)
You can stop.
First thing is concentrate on your motivation, this could be to save money, health or to stop a person you care about from smoking as well.
Next is method, patches, gum etc.
Tips, avoid others who smoke, go to no smoking places, treat yourself with money saved, over the years it will buy a house.
Think of the downside of smoking, emphysema, cancer, early wrinkles etc.
If you fail pick yourself up and try again.
Chew gum instead. I know it sounds lame, but chewing gum can be just as addicting as smoking. Also, cut yourself off of anywhere you could get tobacco. But what you really need is professional help. I know you are probably really afraid, but because tobacco products contain nicotine, an addictive substance, you-ll have a really hard time quitting on your own. Try nicotine gum or patches or something. YOU CAN DO THIS!
I quit on 09/09/90. Having smoked for almost 20 years.

In the end the only secret is - decide to quit, mean it - stick to it. Everything else is just how you do this. Sounds obvious, but it-s all about REALLY meaning it.
This site made me kick the habit. poke around it for an hour and you-ll want to quit afterwards.


Quit now while you-re still young. It only gets harder.

Good luck kiddo!
Quit smoking!!!? -