What does it take to quit smoking for good? -

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

What does it take to quit smoking for good? -

To previous posters, Don-t be so inconsiderate.

Just don-t beat yourself up. Stay dedicated, if it get to hard, have one, or the patch, or the gum. But stay committed. If you stay committed you will make even though you didn-t quit overnight.
Persistance and a willingness to learn from your mistakes. If you quit and start smoking again, review just what triggered your smoking.
Ummmm...... Don-t ever put a cigarette to your lips again and light it... seems pretty straight forward to me.
decide to be a non smoker. those who try will fail. You are either a non-smoker or a smoker. It is up to you to decide. Remember what Yoda said -do or do not. there is no try-.
Lots of willpower, a good support system, and knowing that you are adding years to your life
-Never quit quitting- You keep trying. Forever. There will always be times that you will want one, even after you-re quit for years, but you resist.

It also helps to have some nicotine replacement helper when you first start out.

When you have a craving, work-out or do some deep-breathing excerises. To simulate the deep in-breath that you take when you inhale with smoking. Sugar-free hard candies help a lot, and having a toothpick can help as well.

If you find yourself in need of something to do with your hands, take up knitting (or similar) or find something for your hands to do!

Be strong! and Good luck!
When I quit (5 years ago) I sucked on hard candy everytime I had a craving
The same way any human breaks any habit they have. For the person who smokes to decide they no longer want to.
What does it take to quit smoking for good? -