Have you quit smoking? How? -

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Have you quit smoking? How? -

I want to quit smoking but don’t have will power to just stop. If you quit how did you do it?
I smoked for 7 years, and haven-t had a smoke for 9 months now. But like somebody above said, everybody is different. I chose cold turkey, undoubtedly one of the more difficult ways of quitting, but seeing as how i didn-t have the budget for patches, gums, or medicines, cold turkey was the way to go for me. The key for me was to keep busy by taking a walk, or working in the garage so i didn-t even think about smoking, and every time i got a craving, i would chew a piece of gum, and tell myself i wasn-t going to give in and smoke. Then it was a matter of changing my routines, instead of reaching for my pack in the morning and after meals, i would suck on a breath mint instead, and remind myself that i was making a good healthy choice. It took about a week for the nicotine fits to go away, and it took about a month to change my routine so that i wasn-t thinking about cigs. If you don-t have a lot of willpower like you say, then i would invest in some nicotine gum, or patches, or talk to a doctor about chantix, the more support you have, the better you-re chances are of successfully quitting. Good luck, you have a long hard road ahead of you, but it will pay off in the end.
Chantix , after having smoked for 31 years taking this drug for one month cured me of the habit ...
my last day to have a cigarrette was Jan.3rd!!!!! yay!! i-ve have been trying to quit cold turkey for years...first i told myself and every one else that there was no smoking in my house..an i only did that because i knew it was cold out and i dont like going out in the cold.....then i just stopped buying them and bummed them off of people for a couple days..then i got tired of bummin them and slowly stopped...i chew a lot of gum and keep my hands busy so i try not to think about it
I cured myself and I bet you can cure yourself too from this bad habit with this natural product I found out:


chew on straws and suck through them... give your mouth something other than smoking to do...

alot of the time smoking addiction has alot to do with oral fixations as well as physical dependance on the tobacco.

Also, talk to your doctor about chantix... it works great but can give you nightmares sometimes.
I smoked for six years. Then my fiance got an unrelated cancer.I felt obliged to quit - I did not want to make him sicker. My first attempt was the gum - Which was completely unsuccessful. In my second attempt, a few months later, I decided to go very very slowly using the patch. I must have worn the patch for 3 or 4 months, decreasing the dosage every month or so.

You can-t smoke at all with the patch on. You could overdose with nicotine. Knowing this kept me away from them.

I did have some slip ups. After I stopped the patch. I still have dreams that there-s a pack of cigs hidden in my glove box, just for those stressful emergencies.

That was almost 6 years ago and I don-t miss them!
i never started:)
Yes I quit after many years of smoking. I used nicotine patches to quit. It really wasn-t too hard to quit but the first ten days or so were killer but after that it wasn-t bad.
i just put out my cigarette inmy anus everytime i smoked as punishment
take chantix
or wellbutrin

the biggets thing is to make the decision
dont bring money wiht you
just tell ur friends u wanna stop and ask them to help u quit
maybe theyll see the light themselves and quit with you
Indeed, I have. First, I had to be -ready- to let go. When the time came about, and I was aware of it, I washed ALL my bedding, and showered before going to bed that night. I made sure that it was night, so when I awoke all would still smell nice. I also used Black Licorice -the anise- to help with the craving and oral fixation. The only part left is and was the mental obsession(s). What is important in this step is to watch the intake of foods, more specifically sugars, which include carbs.
I asked my Doc about the new Chantrix pill, and was told that it is NOT for me :( So I have had to go at it alone, and this is not my first attempt, but I do hope it is the last time I have to go through with this painful step. I say painful because it hurts to look at how much I hurt my Self, how many years, ways, the -costs- as it were.
The will was there for me to go ahead and proceed and I hope that by reading all the responses, you too can find the strength to forge ahead in life with a new vision of a healthier Self ! Best of Luck and Love to you in your efforts ;)
First off, I have this belief that I cannot have an addiction to anything - and I-m stubborn - so it works for me. But one day, I was working at a Summer camp and was having a bad allergic reaction to cut grass. Without realizing it, I started having asthma issues and when I went to see the Doctor, she said to me, you can either quit smoking or you can try to make it to the hospital in time to save your life when you can-t breathe.

Since that day in 2003, I can honestly say, I-ve had about 2 cigarettes and completely gave up the green stuff.

Will power is a somethingorother.

Good luck!
yes I have.
I just stopped dead cold.
it was easy.
but no one is the same...
I quit twice. The first time with no assistance at all for 7 months, then I started again. I quit the last time with use of the nicotine patch, then the gum. Then I moved to regular gum and here we are still not smoking after several years. Just don-t give up. I didn-t quit because of my health.... I quit because it stinks. Find a reason and keep trying.
Cold Turkey. Been almost a year now. I smoked for over 20 years.
i didnt but i know family that has and is trying,

one way: the patches
second way: use the patches and make sure you have will
power otherwise the 1st way will not get you
third way: hardest way: just tell yourself no and convince
yourself not to.
get rid of ALL the ciggaretts and then when you want one you will not be able toget it!

i got pregnant... but i-ve also heard a good way is to substitute it with something else maybe mints, gum, some kinda candy? try to keep ur mouth occupied with something else as dirty as that sounds
I kept busy and worked-out.
i smoked weed 2 years ago, it was really hard for me to stop because i smoked every morning and when ever i didn-t smoke, i just didn-t feel good at all. until i was forced to, and it worked same with cigarettes. but i wasn-t to obsessed with those, they aren-t as obsessing as weed
Have you quit smoking? How? -