I quit smoking 1 year and 10 months ago and all i want is a cig? -

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I quit smoking 1 year and 10 months ago and all i want is a cig? -

remind me how awful smoking is cause spring is here and my insides are waking up and they want a smoke real bad.
Do you know that every cigeratte you smoke takes 11 minutes off your life. What if in that 11 minutes your daughter is having your grandchild and you miss it? What if you great grandchild is being born in those 11 minutes you could have been there. So many thing you could miss out on that could happen in those 11 minutes..don-t you want to be there?
I haven-t had a cigarette since 1986, May, and to this day I still crave them when I-m stressed or rushed. I wish I had never ever done it and caused this. Sometimes all I want is a Virginia Slims Menthol Light. But then I remembered the constant sore throat, the icky taste, and now I think about how much more I enjoy spending the money on Starbucks and how it can shorten my life so I don-t see my springs or my daughter. So, I use a technique I learned when I worked at a hospital. Just take a minute and breath really, really deep, into your stomach deep and exhale for a few times. That helps remove the tension. It really is an addiction and I hope I never give back in.....Good Luck to you!!!
smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad smokin bad .......OK? if u smoke u die sooner. the more u smoke the sooner u die.......plus ur body wont kno how 2 protect itself from diseases like breast cancer
If you light up a cig right now, when it-s gone you will be like that was nothing, it did nothing for me... You will feel bad.

- it will make you stink and have bad breath
- you will just crave another one, then all the hard work you put in to quit was for nothing!!
- it can mess with your heart and lungs, eventually killing you, which is preventable by not starting up again. Do you have kids? You need to be here for them and for their kids when they have them.
only smoke when your drunk!
cancer ,cancer,cancer,cancer,cancer,cancer,canc…
Don-t do it........drink some water.....go for a walk....breath
I-m with ya! I quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago and I-d like one, too. But.... hey! It was so hard to quit and we don-t want to go through that again, do we?

We are better today than we were before we quit. I had even received a warning from my doctor that I had four years maximum to live. You may not have been in that bad of shape, but it is so great that you quit before you got to that point.

Good for you!!! Do not smoke! Stick with me, buddy!
Just think of what you have accomplished only to throw it away with one cigarette.
Okay, I will remind you how gross it is. Think of this scenario. My boyfriend bought a house recently from a smoker. She smoked so much that the walls are yellow. When he showers, the yellow, tarred and nicotine filled walls drip yellow on his head. GROSS!

Now, think about ingesting that smoke directly into your lungs. If the walls can get like that from airborne smoke, think about what you are doing to your body.

Don-t do it! Your lungs will petrify some day and you will die from not being able to breathe. Also, do you want to have to carry an oxygen tank around with you?

Hope this helps!
its very bad! don-t do it. smokers stink, and its a horrible habbit. enjoy being smoke free, chew some gum, we are all proud of you!
I-m on my 7th year smoke free and i am soooo happy i quit. I quit right after i saw my gramma with oxygen tubes in her nose, she died shortly after. To me, there is nothing worse then the feeling of not being able to breathe....
do not go beck smoking is very bad for you,you going to have ergs lick that when you are surrounded by Arther smokers,it will go away
Your body is still expelling the toxins from being a smoker, that is why you think you want a cigarette. When all you want is good health. You owe it to yourself to keep going on the road that you-re on, you-ve come too far to go backwards. Buy some of that new gum for people trying to quit smoking or some patches. That will help you overcome any cravings that you think you have. Good Luck :)
Don-t do it. I wish I could be like you and stop. Look how great you feel. Don-t let the urge take over. You will stink, be tired, cough, feel like crap and it will taste like crap too. Dang, I need to stop. It is nasty and disgusting. I don-t know how anyone kisses me.
Well here you go!!! My grandma smoked for years and years, now she has lung failure and heart failure! It is a slow death! It is called COPD (conjected heart failure)! She has to be on oxygen for the rest of her life, if she takes it off her oxygen states drop down to the 60-s which should be in the 90-s! When she gets up from bed or even talks she gets out of breath so severe that she can hardly breath! It is horrible cause it has no cure and gets worse! So we are watching a slow death happening to her! That is all from smoking! That makes me never to put a cig to my mouth ever!!!
just think of black lungs and blocked arteries having yukky gunky mouth smelling of smoke not being able to taste wonderful food properly and making yourself age quicker. not to mention the higher risk of heart disease and cancer. it does the trick for me i packed up new year good luck
If you quit smoking that long ago, then you should have the willpower to not want one.

I-ve smoked for 5 years now, and had to recently quit.

All I want is a cigarette. But you have to have self control.
Dont do it! good on you for quitting but u can live without it!
Well I gave them up 3 years ago and don-t crave them any more. All I have to do is smell my husband after he has just had a smoke and that puts me off straight away. Stinky! pooey. It-s foul.

That one cigarette will turn in to 500.
smoking can cause lung cancer u could die and more if u have a boyfriend or a family then u will hurt them alot i say dont do it u already 1 year and 10 months u did all that 4 nothing then
Just try to remember the withdrawal days, those crappy first days that you thought you weren-t going to be able to make it and you did! After all that hard work you put into it, you really don-t want to put yourself back to square 1 just for one lousy cig. It really is not worth it.
I quit smoking 1 year and 10 months ago and all i want is a cig? -