How do you quit smoking without using any of the gum or patches? -

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

How do you quit smoking without using any of the gum or patches? -

i have been smoking for about 1 year and really feel like its time to quit. i smoke no particular brand and typically smoke 5 -light- cigs a day.
i saw a guy on the bus the other day that had had a tracheotomy. that-s enough to stop anyone smoking
you could try…

It seems to me you shouldn-t have too much trouble managing without patches etc, as your habit is light on nicotine and the main problem is dealing with the habitual behaviour. You could try avoiding the situations you enjoy a cigarette with (eg a pint), until the habit-s broken. If you smoke indoors, ban yourself (install a battery smoke alarm above your favourite smoking seat). Winter-s coming, and that should be sufficient incentive to delay going outside for a smoke until the itch has passed.

Finally, put the money you-re saving each day into a jar, and spend it on yourself at the end of the month.
This is exactly what you-re looking for:

It-ll help you quit smoking quickly and without expensive pills, gum or patches. It really works. I highly recommend it.

just stop smoking it is hard but you should not have too much trouble as your not a heavy or long term smoker
I quit 30 years ago, just by stopping. I was smoking 30- 40 fags a day, and ended up in hospital with chest pain, the doctor told me to quit and I did, there and then with no patches, gum, or any help and it was easy.
You also can do it on your own if you really want to.
Cut from 40 a day to zero by cold turkey, no patches or anything then. Just thought of the money I was wasting, put it in a jar and had a treat each day.
Good luck, you know it makes sense.
the answer is really simple and might seem rediculous but just hear me out. if you want to stop smoking without the gums and patches just don-t do it. if you are really ready to quit you would you would know that enough is enough and today is the day to end the madness.think about the positive you would be doing for yourself if you stop and let that be motivation for you, especially when you get a craving. it-s all in your head.
i smoked for 21 years and gave up two and a half years ago by reading the book -How to stop smoking- by Allen Carr, i picked it up at a second hand book stall at the market for 20p and started reading it when i got home, i gave up smoking that same day and havent touched one since! I then gave the book to my brother and his wife who both gave up smoking too and he then passed the book on, i dont know where the book is now but i like to think its still moving around Britain helping people to give up :D

ive just looked on Amazon and i dont think he does the -How to stop smoking- any more, its now called -Allen Carr-s Easy Way To Stop Smoking-, if its the same book then it might work for you too.
In the Search for questions slot type in -quit smoking- and you will get at least 6,619 results.
well it should be easy for you if you are only a 5 a day,unless you smoke them 5 a day at times of stress or at times in the day when you feel you are losing the plot...i smoke about 20 or so a day and for me to give up without any help would be like hell on earth for others lol... cause you see i hate daft and annoying people but can keep them emotions under control with my ashy is a good time for you to stop now because for every 1 year you smoke it takes the body 3 years to heal its self after you quit even though you will see a differance 2 days after you stop ie smell taste etc etc.. so go for it and good luck.
Simply stop buying cigarettes. The next thing you know, you cant smoke because you dont have any cigs. Easy. When your work buddies go for a fag, simply dont go. Most people are understanding when it comes to giving up and will be supportive, and maybe a bit jealous of you
Try the inhaler pens,,they work for me,,cut down by 50% in the first day
I used to eat lolly pops and started dating a guy who didn-t know I smoked and hated smokers so I-d hide it and then realized it wasn-t worth it. I also figured out when I did it and altered my habits. I actually bought a stick shift car just so I wouldn-t smoke in the car. Do it now - it sounds like the perfect time for you. Good luck!
How do you quit smoking without using any of the gum or patches? -