How can you quit smoking? -

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

How can you quit smoking? -

I really wan-t my dad to quit smoking, but it is really hard for him, so besides support, how else can he stop?
I quit smoking by taking Chantix. It is available by prescription only. I had smoked for 35 years and had tried everything to help me quit. Chantix is absolutely the greatest thing on the market. But you have to want to quit or nothing will help you.
I took Chantix for 4 months. Most articles on it tell you to use it for 3 months but I knew I needed it an extra month. And I am proud I continued to take it. I very rarely ever think about a cigarette and when I think about it the thought goes away as quickly as it came. When you start taking it, you continue to smoke and set a quit date. If you do not quit by the quit date, set another date. You eventually figure out that you really are not getting anything out of the cigarette because Chantix blocks the nicotene from getting to your brain. I hope your Dad will at least try it. But I will tell you that the more you stay on him to quit the longer he will smoke.
if u do not want to see a movie, do not pass by the theater.
smoking? do not buy cigs.

it is an addiction, get smokers anonimous info for him. find out where the meetings in the area are held. he has to want to quit, no one can do it for him.
By not buying packs of cigarettes if that-s what you mean. Cold turkey really is the best method so support is all you can offer. Any other method causes a smoker to -miss- cigarettes.
figure out why he smokes to begin with, why he says it makes him -feel- good, and try your best to fill that gap while telling him he needs to stop
The question is, does he want to quit smoking? If he is not really interested in quitting there is basically nothing you can do. Hopefully he really wants to quit.

Perhaps a search for -quit smoking- + -natural ways- might be of interest.
How can you quit smoking? -