Does anyone have any advice about how to get your dad to quit smoking? -

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Does anyone have any advice about how to get your dad to quit smoking? -

Say a little prayer... prayer works.
Don-t nag your dad either, good luck.
There-s nothing you can do solely.. My dad has smoked since I was born (19yrs) and he still wo-t stop.. He saw his aunt on her death bed gasping for breath on life support getting ready to die and that still wasn-t enough.(she died from smoking).. It-s all up to the person, you cannot force someone to quit. Sry.
Its important to remember that your dad has to want to quit smoking . Its not something they will do just by telling them not too.
You could tell him you are concern about his health if he continues to smoke . And that you want him to be around to see you grow up and be there for you and everyone else.
When he realizes that he starts having health problems and that some of them could be because of his smoking only then will he probably quit at one point .
Or he just doesn-t care and continues to keep smoking .
Yes, keep telling him that the smell makes you sick. Every time he smokes in your presence. Explain to him that second hand smoke is dangerous for your health, and it will be better for his health not to smoke any more. Then help him to get the patch or get some help from his Doctor. And be supportive when he decides to quit. Not smoking in the house or car will be of great help It can take some time, but it will be the best thing he has ever done for himself and his family. Best of luck. Remind him that many have been successful in quiting, and he will be too. God bless you
You can`t, he has to want to quit himself. You might suggest that it is not good for every else to inhale his smoke and maybe he would like to smoke in the garage or outside to protect his love ones.
Speaking from experience (both of my parents were heavy smokers throughout my entire childhood - and my mother still is), he will not quit until he-s ready. You can beg him, buy him smoking cessation products, show him photos of nasty lungs, read him statistics, and you can even try to guilt him... but all it will do is frustrate the both of you.

What you can do however is ask him to compromise with you. Tell him you will not nag him if he will resolve not to smoke in your presence - especially in the house and car.
The patch. If he tries to smoke while on the patch he will feel nauseated and could vomit.
I feel for you honey - but unless it is important to him it is not going to happen. I would suggest that instead of lecturing him or berating him you sit down and talk with him and tell him WHY it is so important to you and ask him if he would at least try - and tell him you will help him by maybe going for a walk with him when he feels that urge to light one up, or get him some flavored toothpicks to chew on instead of smoking. And buy him a box of nicotine patches. Maybe all of these things will work for you.
Give him the facts of what smoking can do, show him a video of a person with no voice box because of smoking, or help him find a support group. My dad just quit smoking after 46 years of doing it. He also had to have a quadruple bypass, smoking was partly to blame. As a smoker myself and after watching my dad please keep in mind you can not force anyone to quit, the person must want to as well or it will not work. And if he does decide to quit, understand there will be mood swings during the process, its all from withdrawls. Look at the national cancer society website, they may have ideas to help. Your local hospital or doctors office may also have tools to use to help him quit.
No, sorry. My dad smokes too and when I was younger i tried to get him to stop and I told him how bad it was and how I didn-t like it but he never did take my advise. So your dad probably won-t listen to you either.
Yes...hide his smokes under the dirty clothes...
Cough whenever he lights up.
tell him when he smokes you smoke
show him pictures of people with bad cancer who are smokers they are something else
Ask him to go and get a chest x-ray. Bring a copy home and show it to him every time he wants a smoke. I smoked since I was 15 and I am 55- I have been smoke free for 4 years= I keep that x-ray as a reminder. For every years you quit your lungs recover. Guilt doesn-t work, reality does.
Good Luck
maybe just tell him how you care about him
It-s rather hard isn-t it? My mom smokes and my brotehr and I are constantly on her about it. The only thing I can suggest is -- Don-t try. I know it may not be the answer you-re looking for, but trust me. For one, they get really agitated with the nagging. htey have to be able to quit at their own pace, if you make them do it, there-s a really good chance they will find some way to do it again. however, do it indescreetly. Ask them to exercise with you, or -join- you on a diet plan to get fit. Once that someone is exercising, they may find that they don-t need to smoke anymore.
idk my moms smoking too she keeps making up stuff. im tired of it. just dont talk to him when hes smoking and ignore him give him the cold shoulder. i hope he quits good luck.
You can-t get anyone to do anything that they don-t want to do. let him know how special it would be if he could stop smoking and then just leave it alone. When he decides FOR HIMSELF that he should stop smoking then he will.
Does anyone have any advice about how to get your dad to quit smoking? -