Why do people say its very difficult to quit smoking? -

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Why do people say its very difficult to quit smoking? -

i-m an ex smoker, i had been smoking for 2 years but decided to quit and you wont believe it that i quit smoking with an ease and now i can-t even take the smell of smoke, i guess if you-re determined and really want to quit then it-s quite an easy job.
Two years isn-t much in the grand scheme of things. I smoked for about fifteen years (gave it up seven years ago), and quitting was incredibly difficult for me. There-s the physical addiction to nicotine to deal with, as well as the -habit- factor of always lighting up at certain times or in certain situations. When you-ve had a cigarette attached to you for so many years, giving them up can be very difficult indeed. I-m glad it was so easy for you, but I have to think that you weren-t a very heavy smoker to begin with, and as I said, two years really isn-t that long. Congratulations on quitting!
your lucky then i guess iv only heard of one other person thats been able to do what you did and just quit but he was after like heaps more than two years... iv quit now for about a month after about ten years and iv found it pretty hard... its been worth it so far tho...
because you suck
Why do people say its very difficult to quit smoking? -