I Quit Smoking 3 days ago and I need help? -

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I Quit Smoking 3 days ago and I need help? -

I quit 3 days ago and today has been the worst so far. I feel so bitter and angry. I know it will hopefully get better soon and the withdrawals will ease but I am having a hard time with the withdrawals right now. Anything I can do to make them ease up a bit? Quitting smoking is so hard, I wish I never started up again. (I quit for 7 months and relapsed a few months ago)
If you have a place in your area that offers

Ionic Body Cleanses
Ionic Foot Baths

or some deviation of them. What they will do is pull all of the nicotine and tar out of your body. This will make it easier for you to stop.

They cost about $20-$40 a visit and a visit lasts for 30 minutes. Typically, Chiropractic centers or more holistic health centers offer such treatments.
I quit 6 weeks ago, after smoking for 25+ years. I feel ya. What I found helped me out was munching on Altoids when the craving hit hard. That and just breathing - taking deep calming breaths to calm down helped me too.

You can do it. In the words of my father - you have to look at it like ... are you a man or a mouse? Do you really want to let the cigarettes control you? You have the power, you can do it!
Good for you. I smoked for 25 years, so I know how hard it is.

Try to distract yourself from the urges. When you get an urge to smoke, take a couple of deep breaths, go for a quick walk, drink some water, etc.

Do not give in and have -just one-.

Good luck.

Cigarette free since Thanksgiving 2006.
Try that nicoret gum. I quit smoking 18 years ago cold turkey. I chewed alot of gum. That helped. Try that. Good luck.
Have you heard about this book: -Allan Carr-s Easy Way To Stop Smoking-? I read it and quit smoking over two weeks ago. Everytime I had a craving I was able to think my way through it using the ideas from the book. It proved to me that much of the addiction is psychological. I highly recommend it.
Good job man ... I quit smoking as well , i just think about how horrible it is for you and the tax for ciggs are sooo rediculous in nyc .. best thing to do is work out or do somethin to get your mind off that buzz - Gl and dont smoke
I Quit Smoking 3 days ago and I need help? -