When you quit smoking do you still have the chest pain? -

Sunday, October 28, 2018

When you quit smoking do you still have the chest pain? -

I quit smoking about 2 months ago due to the chest pain and for some other reasons (dental). By the way I stopped smoking using the cold turkey method than by using any other techniques, however still have the chest pain when I take a deep deep breath, though it-s not really bad but I was hoping that it would go away after few weeks or a month. My other question is that I can-t sleep 8 hours straight every night, -sleep about 4 - 5 hours- is it because of the nicotine? Thanks in advance....
Insomnia and disturbed sleep shouldn-t last more than 2 weeks beyond the date of your last cigarette; perhaps you miss the settling-down ritual of the Last Cigarette of the Day. I know a lot of smokers, like myself, hit the caffeine hard as well - if you fall into that category, try to wean yourself off.

The chest pain is also unusual this long after quitting - smokers are more prone to deep chest infections, though, which can be cleared up with a course of antibiotics.
When you quit smoking do you still have the chest pain? -