I want to quit smoking and i have 3 kids please help!? -

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I want to quit smoking and i have 3 kids please help!? -

My house-hold is very stessful and i-ve already tried to quit once. After about 2 weeks (on the patch) I became so irritable, I began to yell at my kids for no good reason and they are only 2,3, and 4. they aren-t old enough to understand that it-s not their fault that I am mad. Also, my fiance works 2nd shift so she spends all morning with the 2yr. old while the 3 and 4yr. are in school. and when they come home mommy is at work until after they go to bed. She also smokes and refuses to quit unless i do it first! I want to quit so bad but, i don-t want to take it out on the kids but I don-t know what to do. Please help! I-ve been smoking for 10yrs. and never around the kids (only in the addition or outside, while away from the kids ofcourse)
I can relate, I quit 5 years ago after smoking for 30 yrs. I used the gum, mostly. I just told my stupid head into believing that IT WOULD WORK, and it has. I still chew the gum for special things, otherwise I-d smoke. I-d go back in a hearbeat if it wasn-t so bad for me. As far as berating yourself about the kids, I-ve been there too. If it-s severe enough, ask your doc for a script of welbrutin, it may help, it helped mellow a friend of mine. Set a date, and check the Lung Associations web site, they probably have more help. When you-re ready, you-ll do it. That-s how I felt, either I-d do it or die an early death. Everyone in my family dies of heart attacks, so figured I couldn-t be stupid anymore, you know, like time to grow up!!!!!
chew on the chewing gum . they will -stop- you from smoking as your mouth will be occupied by gums.
Believe it or don-t, but here you go. Get hardcore into your Church. Do good for others and worship God. Start eating right (no extra sugars or sodium), run 2 miles 3 times a week (at least). Do push-ups every day (you pick a good amount, but make it hard.) Read a good novel (I recommend War and Peace). A stable life with direction such as the above is the most effective way to kick bad habits. If you can-t do this, you may have problems with relapse in the future.
If u want to quit, eat limes, or chew gum.
If u dont want to quit, take vitamin C and eat lung foods like
celery,apples, fruit juices,carrots etc.
If you have a regular Dr. discuss this if your seriuous enough about quitting, there are new meds coming out to help quit, have to tried Zyban..
im in the same situation i think the best thing to do is find something to replace smoking, e.g take up kickboxing (or somthing similar)
I was smoking 10 years and quit cold turkey..... it is easier than it sounds...i had previously tried to quit using patches and the longest i lasted was 2 months.... the problem with patches are they continue to feed the addiction. Joel Spitzer is a champion who wrote a book free to download from the web which I read (with smoke in hand) and by the end had quit smoking and I have lasted a year now. His message is simple -never take another puff-. If you are keen to quit and want to stop nicotine ruling your life read this book and never take another puff.. Good luck buddy and cheers to Joel
Medical Makeover recommends quitting smoking last because it is the hardest and you need to be very rested and stable . They say quite caffeine , sugar and other stuff first, then when you-re calm . . . quit smoking . . . and even then they say check into a motel for a couple of days because you will be CRANKY.

BUT , I quit 2 packs a day in 15 minutes !
At one point it dawned on me that I was addicted, that some inanimate plant had more power than me and I got mad. I shredded them and stomped them into the ground and cussed them with f*** yous while I was stomping.
Maybe if you thought about the reality . . . that you are a slave to a mindless , potted plant . . . you might get angry enough to quit on the spot.
Best of Luck, your kids need a healthy dad
Not to mention the thousands of $$ you-re flushing on the cigs !
next time u try to quit on the patch.. try using the inhalent/ or gum aswell when your getting stressed . worked for me .. also dont forget to take 5 mins break every now and then like when u would nip out for a ciggy try taking some deep breaths ( which you do when u smoke) sounds silly but it does help :)
I am a healthcare provider and I have been ordering a new drug called -Chantix- for smoking cessation. I have had great results with people being able to quit using this medication. My own son is now one month free of cigarettes....and still counting. There is a website for this new medication, if you-d like to read about it. Go to your healthcare provider and ask for a prescription and try it.
I want to quit smoking and i have 3 kids please help!? -