Whats the ideal aerobic workout for someone that just quit smoking? -

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Whats the ideal aerobic workout for someone that just quit smoking? -

I just quit smoking, best life decision Ive ever made. Im so excited about quitting and I really want to start working out more, not necessarily weight training, just aerobics for now to get adjusted to being physical again. Im not completely out of shape, well maybe a bit. 5-9-, 187lbs, 23 years old, male. Anyway I went for a walk last night, which turned into a jog, which turned into a coughing fit, and that was after a 1/4 mile of jogging. Also, my chest felt real tight which was kinda scary. I know I have to take it easy, but Im just trying to figure out what would be a good and safe aerobic regimen for a exsmoker.
I went through the same thing last year, I quit smoking because I wanted to train for a marathon (I later learned that baby steps are ideal!) The best way is to start small. If you-re interested in running (the best workout by far -- cheap and easy) try going to halhigdon.com. He has a variety of training programs for beginners. These will get you in shape even if you aren-t planning on running a race. I liked running because it really works your lungs and heart. If you keep up with it, you see results in a relatively short period of time. Plus, getting fresh air makes cigarette smoke seem so confining and disgusting!

I also liked pilates, kickboxing, and strenght training. These kinds of workouts focus a lot on building inner strength as well, which it takes a lot of to quit smoking. It helps to set a goal for yourself, too.

Needless to say, try to incorporate some fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, if you don-t already. For me, the more fresh foods and fresh water (lots of it) I put in my body, the less I wanted to feel that heavy, cloudy tar. I can-t stress the water thing enough, because besides the fact that your new workout routine requires it, it-ll give you something else to do with your hands besides smoke.

One last tip -- go to sparkpeople.com. The have so much information on living a healthy lifestyle, workouts, and diets, and you tailor it specifically to your needs. There-s even an option if you-re quitting smoking. Best of all, it-s completely FREE!

Hopefully through all of my rambling you found something that-s of use to you!
See your doctor, he/she can reccomend a safe exercise program and gradually build your stamina up again. Also if the doctor says its ok, go to the local pool and use the steam room, and maybe take a swim. The steam room is a good way to detoxify your body after having chemicals from smoking in you. Swimming is also a great workout. Good Luck! And congrats on the quitting!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! for the good decision...

For now you-ll be good walking no to slow though.
And start a good diet, healthier, you know fruits, vegies, cereal, meat, nuts, beans, etc.
So your body will b getting prepare to do more exercise
Whats the ideal aerobic workout for someone that just quit smoking? -