Really want to quit smoking. Need some suggestions from those who quit!? -

Monday, August 7, 2006

Really want to quit smoking. Need some suggestions from those who quit!? -

I have my first cigarette within 3 minutes of waking up in the morning. Cup of coffe and a cigarette. (It-s disgusting and I know it!). Those of you who have quit, how did you stop that first cigarette of the day? I want to start tapering off and begin taking Chantix. If I can postpone that first cigarette that in itself would be an accomplishment! So, what did you do when you got up instead of smoking? (and don-t tell me to stay in bed lol)
Chantix worked for me. You can still smoke for the first week you take it. I figured it out and timed it so I had my last smoke at bedtime the night before my second week started. Then I used gum (regular, not nicotine), sunflower seeds, and Tootsie Pops as substitutes. It was a challenge, but I-m nearly six months smoke free so far. Just make sure after you have that last one that you don-t have any more smokes around. I went so far as to get rid of all my ashtrays and empty all the ones in the vehicles as well. Get rid of as much temptation as you can because you will get cravings. I still get them now, but a plain old stick of gum is all I need to take care of it. Best of luck to you!!
I have been smoke free for almost 3years. I-ve tried the nicotine gum nasty and patch are expensive. the pills I tried as well and had to stop taking them got one of the severe side affects. the best way I found I tried several times with out sucess but kepted trying. you have to prepare yourfelf mentally. then one day it will happen and you will make it. I went through a lot of chewing gum and hard candy, drink alot of water to flush your body. exercise also helped me as well. plus having friends and family helping along the way. the best way is just put them down. Good luck and best wishes
i haven-t quit yet but i-ve been close. you need to be very consious of what you-re doing. i-ve actually forgotten that i was trying to quit b/c it was such habit. try putting a note for yourself over your cigarettes before you go to bed reminding yourself to wait 10 minutes before you light up. or make a small list of things to do before you can have a cigarette. brush teeth, make coffee,take shower, etc. when you-ve waited the alotted time,pat yourself on the back and try waiting 5 more minutes. also, smoke only outside. pitch the ashtrays too. i wish you all the luck you need. i-m going to start the chantix myself soon. hope it works for you.
chew gum instead, also use patches.
Do something else when you first wake up. Like talk a short wake then take a shower. Turn that negative into a positive.
What you did is reinforcing yourself to smoke. Smoking is not a habit but 100 of habits:
1. you smoke at the morning
2. when you have coffee
3.yada yada
try not to smoke at morning first,then go to before coffee.
Maybe not taking cofee will help, change to other beverage.
reward urself if you can quit one habit.
Good luck.
Use Chantix when you get up. For more Chantix information, click the following link:…

Patch or chew a piece of nicotine gum instead to help. Nicotine gum or the patch is healthier than smoking. Start with one cigarette at a time. Replace 1 cigarette a week with a piece of nicotine gum and then cut down as you feel ready.
i have no idea but if you find a way please tell me so i can get my boyfriend to quit
Quiting smoking is really hard. I went on the patch at first. Don-t waste your time though, it doesn-t work. Take the medicane that-s what helped me. And when you start taking it, you don-t have cravings. Yes, you will think about it because it-s routine now, but just control and don-t smoke. There-s no point. Good luck !
Really want to quit smoking. Need some suggestions from those who quit!? -