Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes? -

Monday, December 26, 2016

Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes? -

No but I do feel easily agitated. I also get angry easier and want to set others free from their restrictions living as a human.
I quit smoking 6 1/2 years ago. It feels great. I was chained to my cigarettes. I didn-t even want to go to the movies because I didn-t want to go that long without a cigarette. I no longer -need- a cigarette after I eat, when I have a drink, after a workout, etc. So yes I feel free and smell better, too.
No, not at all. I feel more restricted. But it-s been a year, I haven-t gotten pneumonia for the first time in five years and no respiratory illnesses. So I-d say I feel better, not free.
feel free? i`m not sure about that?i feel i brethe better
but haven`t stopped long enough yet!
Hey there,

Congratulations on either quitting or planning on quitting...that-s the hardest part.

when I quit....I felt liberated from my addiction, but I definitely don-t feel free. Though I feel healthier and more in control, I still get cravings and withdrawal symptoms that remind me of my addiction.

It-s a lot easier to quit when you have a support group and people around you to take your mind off smoking. Since your peers know what you-re struggling to nice to hear words of encouragement and congratulations.

If you-re looking for a good support group, there is a website that has a great community for people who are trying to quit smoking and ex-smokers who share their stories with everyone. The discussion boards also helped me with some great tips on how to keep down my cravings and deal with them.

Check it out:…

good luck! And wish you the best. The only person who can tell you if you feel free after quitting is you.

it-s a great feeling that you are no longer dependant on cigarettes
Do you feel free when you quit smoking cigarettes? -