What are some good ways to quit smoking without the usual gum and patches? -

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What are some good ways to quit smoking without the usual gum and patches? -

been smoking for 4 years.
My dr. recommended Commit lozenges. They help with the physical addiction as well with the oral fixation.
You know what. It worked for me too. I-ve been smoke free for almost 6 months.

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Group Hypnosis.

Look in paper/coupons for -Group Hypnosis- to quit smoking/loose weight. You-ll quit without headacks, moodiness, or withdrawls.
I smoked for about 10 years. The last year I was smoking about 2 packs a day. When I quit, it was cold turkey. No drugs of any kind, only willpower.
This way is not for everyone. The reason it worked for me was that I truly wanted to quit.
The first couple of days were tough. By the end of the first week it was better. Even after years of being smoke free, I still get the urge to light up every now and then. But I will never do that again because I firmly believe I could become hooked again very fast.
Tobacco is a very powerful drug. If you are not ready to quit, you will not succeed, even with drugs.
I quit smoking five years ago by substituting water and licorice chips (an italian candy) for smokes. I also started running. Because I wanted to do well running, I didn-t want to smoke. I did need a couple of peices of gum that first week but only used it when I was near homicidal. The water and running kept me off of them. Good luck!
I go on walks with my 2 kids I-m trying to stop too. I don-t smoke when we are on our walks also try ice cubes,hard candy!! hope it works out for you
Acupuncture. It really cuts down the cravings.
This method works for me and is the only money back guaranteed.
I quit smoking 2 years ago

Get the Facts
Easyway, founded by Allen Carr in 1983, has the highest independently verified 12-month success rate (75.8% for a smoker completing the program) of any quit smoking technique and a 90% satisfaction rating.

Compare Easyway to other methods and see for yourself why Easyway is called “The Cadillac of quit smoking methods.”

The Allen Carr Method

Using psychotherapy, the method works in the opposite way to the “willpower” method. It does not concentrate on the reasons the smoker should not smoke : the money, the slavery, the health risks and the stigma. Smokers know all that already. Instead it focuses on why smokers continue to smoke in spite of the obvious disadvantages.

It is fear that keeps smokers hooked!

Fear the smoker will have to give up their pleasure or crutch. Fear the smoker will be unable to enjoy life or handle stress. Fear the smoker will have to go through an awful trauma to get free. Fear the smoker will never get completely free from the craving.

The Method removes these fears
Smokers quit with the Allen Carr Method as happy non-smokers, not feeling deprived but with a huge sense of relief and elation that they have finally achieved what they always wanted….


What about the terrible withdrawal pangs from nicotine?

The physical withdrawal from nicotine is so slight that most smokers don’t realise that they are addicts. What smokers suffer when they try and quit using other methods is the misery and depression caused by the belief that they are being deprived of a pleasure or a crutch.

The Allen Carr Method removes this feeling of deprivation.
It removes the need and desire to smoke. Once the smoker is in the right frame of mind and they follow the simple instructions, the physical withdrawal from nicotine is hardly noticeable.

No Gimmicks!

The Method does not use any gimmicks, useless aids or substitutes. No nicotine gum, patches, lozenges, tabs, inhilators or nasal sprays! No needles! No lasers! No drugs! No herbs! No shock treatment!

The Allen Carr Method is successful because:

It removes the smokers’ conflict of will.
There are no bad withdrawal pangs.
It is instantaneous and easy.
It is equally effective for long-term heavy smokers and light smokers.
You need not gain weight.
You will not miss smoking.

Medical Endorsements

A personal view from Professor Judith Mackay MBE, JP, FRCO (Edin), FRCP (Lon), World Health Organisation Advisory Panel on Tobacco and Health

“I have no hesitation in supporting Allen Carr’s work. Many clinics use some of his techniques but it would appear that few do it in quite such a successful package.”

Carole Johnson, Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Unit, Tyne Tees

“his success rate was such that, when budgets allow, we continue to use Easyway for work with specific groups and individuals.”

Dr Anil Visa BSc, MBBch., FRCA, Consultant – Royal Hospitals NHS Trust – Royal London Hospital

“I have observed the Allen Carr method at first hand and have found it to be very successful and I wholeheartedly support it as an effective way to quit smoking.”

Dr William Green, Head of Psychiatric Dept, Matilda Hospital, Hong Kong

“It is a remarkable fact that Allen Carr, on his own admission a non-professional in behaviour modification, should have succeeded where countless psychologists and psychiatrists holding postgraduate qualifications have failed, in formulating a simple and effective way to stop smoking.”

Dr Martin Jarvis, Principle Scientist, Imperial Cancer Research
Fund and Reader in Health Psychology, University College London

”...I am more than happy to testify to Allen Carr’s enduring involvement and to recognise the value of the kind of behavioural and cognitive support he provides.”

Dr PM Bray MB CH.b., MRCGP

“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the Allen Carr organisation’s success and fame, there were no gimmicks and the professional approach was something a GP could readily respect. I would be happy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.”

Celebrity Endorsements

-His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence on cigarettes, while you are actually smoking. I’m pleased to say it has worked for many of my friends and staff.”
Sir Richard Branson

“Some friends of mine who had stopped using Allen Carr’s method suggested I tried it. I did. It was such a revelation that instantly I was freed from my addiction. Like those friends of mine, I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.”
Sir Anthony Hopkins

try to used gum or mints to give your mouth something to do and try to replace one bad habit for one that is not so bad for your health. There is also an herbal product that you put under your tongue that helps to calm cravings for cigarettes.

Go to a hospital to the Cancer ward and just look at the patients then look at the people who vist them. Do you want that to be you and your loved ones.

Lung cancer is a terrible way to die, It cause all sorts of other problems and is extremely painful. Your lungs fill up wtih fluids so you feel like you are drowning. you body reacts to the cancer and to the drugs used to help you. chemo makes you constantly sick and radiation burns your skin. You ar prone to viruses and reactions from the medications some so severe you need medication for the medication youa re taking. You will loose so much weight that you loose the strength to support your body and then become bedridden. system by system shuts down on you and your body dies by degrees in a very lingering manner. You will watch your family suffer right along with you and know how much they will hurt as they suffer with you and watch helplessly as you slowly die. It is an ugly, painful, humiliating way to die. Think of that when you feel you want another cigarette.
cold turkey, only way to do it, smoked for 22 years and am on 5 months of no cancer sticks after having tried everything else.
I say just buy something else to subside you if you are ever tempted, If you need nicotine the gum works.
go to meetings for people who r attached to them
Exercises, workin out, running, anything to get your mind - body focused on being healthy. deep breathing exercises help too. You-ll notice a major difference in 2 weeks. Your body starts reversing the damage right away.
they now have a 1 time shot to quit smoking
and some pills also .
Me too trying to quit but i never get there....always empty a half pack into the bin and then am back callin up for more...

whoever has given up smoking......i envy them...but hey will power is the way to go......but yeah like i said am no 1 to tell u that....i gotto quit maself too.....so good luck to me and u!!
Local hospitals offer week-long programs to make you quit smoking. Then you-ll need this trick to not go back to it: Just don-t have that ONE CIGARETTE!
People buckle under the intense urge for a cigarette and think that their problem will go away with one cigarette. But that just makes the problem go away temporarily, only to come back with a higher intensity.
Quitting smoking feels like a loss of a loved one because to the brain it is just that - a loved one. So be prepared for the longing and the pain. Just endure it. It won-t kill you. Actually, it will make you live longer.
Adapt a new lifestyle i.e. eat fruits, go jogging, etc. Do whatever, but once you have gone through the week-long quit-smoking program, DON-T HAVE THAT ONE CIGARETTE NO MATTER WHAT. If you have that one cigarette, you fail and if you don-t then you succeed. It is that simple. You do need that week-long program to launch yourself into the wonderful world of non-smoking though.
One more thing: you may need to keep the company of non-smokers for a while i.e. at least one year.
What are some good ways to quit smoking without the usual gum and patches? -