Who quit smoking cold turkey? -

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Who quit smoking cold turkey? -

My boyfriend is trying to quit and can-t seem to so please share your experience. Thanks!!
I quit cold turkey after smoking almost 30 years. I did cut how much I smoked way down to 3 or 4 a day before I quit. I think that helped a lot getting my body used to less nicotine. You also have to be ready and want to do it for yourself.
I did with no problem(literally)! I was smoking from age 16 till i was 1 month pregnant with my second child (I was 20 yrs old). I had a six sense that the reason my daughter (my first child) had asthma and severe allergies and more was because i was smoking cigarettes in my home. Im happy to say that i have been smoke free ever since and my second child is in perfect health.
I did! I started running and realized I couldn-t do both. My lunges felt like they were bleeding outta my chest...so I decided to quit!
It-s a hard road...but it can be done. You can get cranky and start craving different foods...just don-t replace the addiction.
Hey whats up.

I smoked I suppose when I was 15 until I was 21. I stopped smoking and drinking alcohol cold turkey(both were a problem). It was hard, but I stuck with it. Its survival sweet heart. Smokings so bad its killin people that dont smoke!
Who quit smoking cold turkey? -