How did you quit smoking ciggarettes? -

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

How did you quit smoking ciggarettes? -

My boyfriend is trying to quit and he is driving me crazy! do you have ANY advise that I can give him?
How anyone can recommend Chantix is beyond me - people are killing themselves on it!

Have him check out electronic cigarettes. People are using them as a reduced harm smoking alternative and then lots of people are successfully using them to quit completely (like me).

Have him check out a forum dedicated to e-cigs lots of info and nice people to answer questions and checkout some videos on youtube.
There are lots of options so make sure to do a little research before buying one as prices vary by A LOT
cold turkey mang, the first three days is the hardest
smoke a lotta pot so your at least still smoking something thats not as bad for you and makes you feel nice and try not to be around people that are smoking cause it-ll make you crave
and dont even take -just one pull-, it makes it more acceptable everytime, thats how i started smoking again
goodluck sir!
I set a date (Nov. 1st) a month in advanced and smoked whenever I wanted before than, but when the clock turned twelve I accepted the lifestyle change, and now, even though it hasn-t been that long, I-m a non smoker :D good luck to your boyfriend -33333

also there are plenty of sites that can assist in quitting,
just bing or google it :)

Depending on his age, beg, coerce, bribe him to see a doc, or talk to his parents about getting him to one....It is EXTREMELY difficult to stop once one gets hooked. There are chemicals (other than the tobacco) put into the cigarettes that literally cause you to become addicted.

I know some people who do it cold turkey, but I couldn-t. Nor could my boyfriend or neighbor.

We all went on Chantix. We all quit. It-s the first thing I-ve ever known to work that well. I-m a grandma - retired healthcare worker so I-ve been -around the block- a few times :)

Coudos to you for trying to help him!

Hope I-ve helped in return~!
I haven-t been a smoker, but from what I have read, cold turkey is the most successful method.

We are coming up on the great American smokeout, November 19. Good time for him to quit and get lots of support. The American cancer society has a quit line to help.

I was married to a smoker and have permanent lung problems as a result. Don-t stay with him if he won-t quit. Your kids can end up sick too.
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
I used the Commit nicotine lozenges. The most effective med these days is Chantix, it needs prescription but it works really well.
How did you quit smoking ciggarettes? -