What is the best Quit Smoking Book? Has anyone tried the Tao of Quitting Smoking: A spiritual Approach? -

Saturday, March 2, 2019

What is the best Quit Smoking Book? Has anyone tried the Tao of Quitting Smoking: A spiritual Approach? -

I am an M.D and there are situations in which I can-t use the pharmacological approach to quitting. Some have had medication interactions while others simply did not want to add another prescription to their long list of medication. Then I have had patients that were eager to try the patch, Zyban, Clonidine, and or Chantix, but it would worked for about 6 months but when things went wrong in their life, they went back to smoking. Smoking cessation groups, and or psychotherapy can be problematic especially if their insurance won-t cover the sessions. I heard recently about Joe Weaver-s book the Tao of Quitting Smoking and how it is a spiritual approach to quitting. Has anyone read it. Now, of course I know there is no magic book that works for everyone. I have recommended Allen Carr-s book, with not go within: Mind, Body, and Spirit. I have recommended Mr. Weaver-s book and have had 1 success for 1.5 years. Looking for other books that you have read, which take a spiritual approach.
I was one of those people, who DID NOT WANT to use medications to quit and I used the book the -Tao of quitting smoking.- I have been smoke free for three years. I have recommended the book to friends and one didn-t follow the book assignments and went back to smoking, but all of those, who followed the book-s instructions have stayed Nicotine Free. The book teaches you how to take back the control and go inward. The book is now common with those into fashion and the model business. I first heard about it from my meditation teacher.The book has a buddhist approach.

Sad thing is that it can only be ordered through special order at the bookstores. I met Joe Weaver, at a book signing in Beverly Hills and I have thanked him for helping me and my husband quit. Joe self-published the book. Joe Weaver was working on his RN degree at the time,and stated he didn-t have a lot of time to advertise and do promotions for the book, but he stated in 2008, he will begin to write the 2rd. edition, to the Tao of Quitting smoking. He is the new younger Allen Carr with a more holistic approach. The book is also medical based, so you being a doctor, should have enjoyed reading it. Some parts were too medical for me, but all in all it helped me quit and never go back.
I am so happy to see an MD posting here. Have you looked into EFT at all? I-ll give the website below. I have only just begun to teach it, but I-ve had 100% success so far with smokers. Over a larger population, I-m told the success rate is more like 75% but I-ve been elated to see how great it does work. You should check it out. I know a lot of people wrinkle their brow when it comes to the idea of energy work. But if you think about it more as a distractive measure, and then see that it really does give relief from the anxiety that is being medicated with the tobacco, it makes sense. Really though, my experience has been just to go with it and not to analyze the -why- so much, as long as it is working. Compliance with a technique like this might be a problem, but if the smoker is really committed, it should be not too hard to overcome. Like I said, the smokers I have seen with my own eyes that have tried it have all been successful on their first attempt quitting this way, and with only limited physical withdrawal. BTW, the manual is free along with a lot of case studies you can find on the site.
I have quit with the Tao of Quitting Smoking and have been free of Nicotine for two years. It-s a great book. I realized that I was totally addicted to Nicotine and I also realized that I smoked because it calmed me, so I just learned a more productive way to relax than through Nicotine. Joe Weaver-s book helped me realize this.
i wasn-t even planning on quitting, but read this book and have not smoked since. simply amazing! no withdrawals at all.


This is a new idea that no one else is doing. GET ONE OF THESE http://www.dontgivemeasmoke.com/

tell your mates that you are out of the club for good!!!
What is the best Quit Smoking Book? Has anyone tried the Tao of Quitting Smoking: A spiritual Approach? -