What is the best way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

Saturday, March 16, 2019

What is the best way to quit smoking cigarettes? -

I quit three years ago cold turkey. I had tried to -cut back- but that didn-t work. I never tried the patch but my brother quit smoking seven times using the patch - which tells you how effective it is long term! I don-t find it helpful to continue to feed your body what it is addicted to (in this case, nicotine) if your goal is to quit. The first day was horrible, I felt like my skin was crawling and I had trouble sitting still. After three days I felt okay and then the cravings were just psychological, not physical. If you quit cold turkey and you are a coffee drinker, go easy on the caffeine - nicotine weakens the effects of caffeine in your system, so without it you-ll feel like you want to climb the walls.
generally- people that lose one lung, cut their smoking in half
I smoke, and a few years ago I tried to quit cold turkey and got really sick ... I felt dizzy, couldn-t concentrate, couldn-t fall asleep ... it was miserble

I think probably the best way is to cut down slowly and gradually, maybe over a few months. If, for example, you smoke 20 a day, you could try to just smoke 19 for a few days and then 18 ... etc.
I find that when I have a hang over, I seem to not want to smoke at all! So try having a hangover for three days straight. I-m pretty sure the last thing on your mind is a cigarette. lol

Good luck on that and your health =)
Ive been smoking for going on 5 years now, and finally i have decided to quit. The best way for me to quit was to do it guadually. I went from smoking 10-15 cigs a day, to 5-6 now i-m down to 1 a day. I found myself inspiration. A guy i like, HATES smokers so yeah...find yourself a good inspiration :) Most people would say - your health should be good enough-, but thats easier said then done. Find something that you WANT(like a girlfriend/boyfriend,a better role model for your kids...etc etc). Quitting smoking is a decision only you can do, and i wish you the best of luck
Switch to something healthy, addictions are easily curable if you replace them (thereby not necessarily curing...)

I used sunflower seeds...
just keep some with you and whenever you have the urge, just pop some seeds!

stop it slowly!!
i mean reduce every stick u puff in a day!!
if you puff 20 sticks in a day make it 19 on the other day until you get over it!!!
good luck!!!
Whenever you feel like smoking put a toffee or candy in your mouth and suck on it. If it is menthol based still better. My friend used supari (made with arecanut fried, powdered and sugar red). in a few months you will leave that habit.
I smoked for 16 years. I tried the gums and lozenges but morning cravings were the worse. The patch worked for me for those mornings. I tried a couple of times not going through the whole system and I went back to smoking each time. You-ll have to go through the steps and several times on step 3 (after step 1 or 2) if needed. I tried cold turkey and it worked for about 3 days and then went back. Mark your -quit date- on the calendar. Whichever way you decide to quit, that-ll be the day you start. Throw out all cigs, including the secret stash ones. If you have a craving, wait it out. It-ll pass in 10 mins. Keep straws, licorice, gum, mints, sunflower seeds, or pistachios on hand to chew on. Good luck!
What is the best way to quit smoking cigarettes? -