What r good ways to help a person quit smoking i really want to quit been smoking since 12 years old and now28 -

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What r good ways to help a person quit smoking i really want to quit been smoking since 12 years old and now28 -

if you have got execellent support from people around you, you can surely get rid of it.I have tied it on my friend.we asked him to think the negative aspects of smoking and we told him that life will get ruined if this is the way you continue to smoke.
so best of luck!
Nicorette gum, a doctor got after me about my smoking, and being away from people who smoked for a couple of months did it for me. There are excellent tips on the Nicorette web site too. Check -em out.
eat a lot of oatmeal, drink a lot of water, and try the patch or that nicotine gum.

The oatmeal will clean your system and the water will flush all that yucky stuff out. as for the patch and the gum I don-t really know what it does but that is what my aunt did and it worked for her.
What r good ways to help a person quit smoking i really want to quit been smoking since 12 years old and now28 -