Quit smoking with bupropion? -

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Quit smoking with bupropion? -

how does bupropion help you to quit smoking.
bin taking it for two days now, and still can-t stay away from the cigarettes.
My dad took it and it helped him.
I am assuming you have a doc-s prescription for it, right?
It does take a while to build up in your system. And you will still need the desire and willpower to resist urges to light up.
What helped me when I quit:
Gum. I chewed with nicotine-craving crazy-intensity, but it helped.
Find something to do with your hands. I took up cross-stitching. That first project I did was the first (and only one) that I have managed to finish in just a few weeks.
Change of scenery. When do you crave it the most? When driving? Put in a good CD and sing instead. On breaks at work? Go for a walk during break instead.
These tips are what saved me. I hope they help you!
Good luck!

Edit: From Web MD regarding the use of bupropion for quitting smoking-
How It Works
Bupropion is a pill you take to reduce your craving for tobacco. The way it does this is not entirely known. Bupropion does not contain nicotine and does not help you quit smoking in the same way that nicotine replacement therapy does.

Doctors also prescribe bupropion (under the brand name Wellbutrin) to treat depression. However, bupropion-s ability to help people quit smoking is not related to its antidepressant action. It can help you stop smoking even if you do not have depression.

You begin taking bupropion daily, 1 to 2 weeks before you quit smoking. This builds up the level of medicine in your body. You take bupropion for 7 to 12 weeks after you stop using tobacco. You can take it for as long as 6 months to a year.

Why It Is Used
Bupropion is approved for use in people who smoke 10 or more cigarettes a day and are at least 18 years old. Doctors prescribe it to help people when they quit smoking.

You should not take bupropion if you: 1

Are already taking other medicines that contain bupropion (such as Wellbutrin).
Have seizures or a medical condition that makes you prone to seizures.
Are taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI).
Have an eating disorder.
Have an alcohol use problem.
How Well It Works
Using bupropion for 7 to 9 weeks doubles the likelihood that you will still be tobacco-free 6 months after you quit. 1 It works just as well as nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs).

Using bupropion along with nicotine replacement therapy (such as nicotine patches, gum, or inhaler) may increase your chances of success.

Taken as directed, bupropion reduces:

Irritability, restlessness, anxiety.
Difficulty concentrating.
Feeling unhappy or depressed.
Quit smoking with bupropion? -