Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Friday, October 11, 2019

Whats the best way to quit smoking? -

Is there something out there that will make you physically sick - and not want to smoke?
Champix in Australia and Chantix in America (they are one and the same actually) are supposed to reduce your craving for nicotine and to reduce the enjoyment of smoking and they are supposed to have a success rate of 40%.
Wellbutrin/Zyban. It-s usually prescriped as an anti depressant. When I started taking it for the blues, it made cigs taste so nasty. I told my doc and he said that it-s also given to people to stop smoking. It could make you jittery at first, but for me, I just totally quit right away. Then got my teeth whitened as a reward :)
Worth a try, you could be super cheery and smoke free.
Good luck!!
Literally think about it. Your inhaling smoke into your lungs and killing yourself. Your skin will age quicker, and you will get weird pimples and age spots that will never go away. Every cigarette your smoke you lose 7 minutes of your life. If you calculate that for every cigarette you-ve ever had in your life...then you lost a lot of valuable time. Now do you want a smoke?
just stop
Whats the best way to quit smoking? -