To quit smoking is using the patch the most effective way? Are there other suggestions for a natural method? -

Thursday, March 10, 2005

To quit smoking is using the patch the most effective way? Are there other suggestions for a natural method? -

Patches are exspensive..My husband has been told he has Copd.He is only 53 and the doctor wants him to use an inhaler.He is concerned about overeating as he can-t afford to gain.Help please...
Ok. You have some fun times ahead of you. I know NOTHING of the patches but do have experience in the -natural- way.

It will be hard. First off. Do you REALLY WANT to stop smoking? Do you say I -need- to or do you say I REALLY WANT to????? Therein lies the basic answer to you quiting.

Smoking is not just a nicotine habit. You also have a habit of having something in your hand and in your mouth. You have a habit of reaching into your shirt pocket for a cigarettete pack. Then you have a NICOTINE habit. Chew gum. That will keep your mouth busy. Keep a tooth pick or pencil in your hands and/or mouth. That will keep you hands and mouth busy. Put the chewing gum pack in your shirt pocket. The worst times will be after eating. The best times will be when you wake up and don-t have to cough for 10 minutes. The first two weeks will be hardest. From that point will SLOWLY become easier. Be prepared. It took 5 years for me not to even think about a cigaret when I seen someone else smoking. But each day was easier. Smokes STINK, STINK, STINK along with the people who smoke them. Did you know that? Good Luck. You CAN do it and NEED to do it. Food will taste better than it has in your entire life. Just watch and take it easy on the food. Pops
I used everything under the sun to quit. even the patch. but when I was ready, again, to quit, I did use the patch for a second time, and I have been smoke free for over 2 years. They do work, if you let them. As far as overeating, I bought one of black fuzzy posters that you color with magic markers, and took that out only when I had the urge to smoke. It kept my hands busy, and when the urge past, I set it aside. It took me 2 weeks to finish it, and I did not buy another one. That poster hangs in the livingroom today . Good luck!!
i gained 40 pounds doctor told me the body can handle excess pounds not smoking. zyban - nico gum are helpful.
cold turkey .......
he really has to fight the urges ......

every time my dad wanted one he had an Ice coffee
(in glass mix instant coffee , two teaspoons of sugar, Ice)

He tried it all and this worked for him
welll, put it this way, patches are cheaper than cigarettes, and they do work (got one on now)
Quitting is very hard! I have heard of drinking grapefruit juice, this well help with the withdraw of a cigarette, I am not sure how it works but I heard it is a good help!
make sure you drink LOTS of water for the first week. It will flush the toxins out of your system quicker and make you feel more clear-headed than if you do not drink so much water. Trust me, it made all the difference to me!

Also, brush your teeth after meals to help with the post-eat craving!

Good luck. YOu can do it!
To quit smoking is using the patch the most effective way? Are there other suggestions for a natural method? -