Has anyone quit smoking successfully? -

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Has anyone quit smoking successfully? -

I would like to know of a really good quit smoking technique that works well.
I really would like to quit smoking, but i like smoking. I know it sounds weird, but i enjoy it sometimes. I really would like to find a good technique to quit this disgusting habit. Has anyone quit successfully and how did you do it? I don-t smoke that much. Usually two packs a week.
I have quit. Going on a few years now (5). To start, you have to get your mind into it, or else it-s pointless. You have to want to quit, if you are having doubts and what not, then don-t bother, it means you-re not ready and you will smoke a cig the moment the oppurtunity arises. Once you get that lined up, then you just do it. No timeline, no dates, no pressure. I did it semi cold turkey. I didn-t do the patch thing. To keep my mouth occupied, I chewed gum, and everytime i got a craving, i chewed gum (wrigleys). I stayed away from my routine, and hung less around my smoker friends. I reduced my weekend bar times and started doing other things like playing basketball, football and so forth in the weekends. Stayed in a lot to watch movies(i had a gf then so it made it easy and she wasn-t a smoker) and just changed my life routine little by little.And after a while, the temptation doesnt end or stop but you keep telling yourself- you worked so hard this far, why give it up, you are stronger-. And that is what it boils down to, your will and strength. So I wish you best of luck, but you will have to WANT this 100 percent or else don-t bother, coz you will just jump back in and it only takes that one stick , and that one moment of weakness to ruin it all. Good luck :)
i am a on again off again smoker. i can quit cold turkey. i make sure i dont start the morning off with a ciggy, and i try to keep busy so i wont want one or think about it. theres always that urge though and especially around friends that smoke. i have heard good things about the new gum they have out now. but you need to have the will power to follow through with quitting. i suggest to stay busy, get rid of all ash trays and ciggys in the house, and keep a stash of small hard candies to suck on to. sometimes it helps. good luck!
I did 2.5 packs a day, then driving into the base one day back in 88 I said, what the hell are you doing to yourself. Threw the pack out the window (sorry about the litter San Diego) and haven-t smoked since.
Become Clairvoyant, that way you have control over developing any habits.
My dad quit cold turkey 2 decades ago. He realize that he had his kids and family to think about, so he quit.
I tried everything to quit. I tried the gum, I tried tapering off, nothing worked. I joined a quit smoking class and they were a great help. The method used was as follows. Take out two cigaretts throw the rest away. Smoke one of them and really enjoy it, inhale and all. Smoke the second one and do not inhale.
After that do not smoke anything at all. This takes you making up your mind not to smoke and really succede. It actually takes 5 days to get the nicatine out of your system. What you have left after that is the physical habit such as lighting up when bored, hungry, or talking on the phone etc.Just remenber that you are a puff away from a pack a day.

Good Luck

I was 50 when I quit and I just turned 75. I never would have made it if I didn-t quit!!!!
You really have to tell yourself that you are really serious
I know the feeling. I really like smoking to. But the way i stopped was really kinda stupid. I wanted to prove to my bf that i could quit before he could and last. We both decided to go cold turkey on the same day. I knew he wouldn-t last so to prove that i could do it better then him i stopped completely. That was Dec 1, 2006. I had once since on NYE and it made me sick. That is when i realised i didn-t want to anymore.

I know its a stupid reason but it worked for me. Perhaps you should find someone else to quit with you for support (not so much my method).

Good Luck
Actually, you know what my husband did---COLD TURKEY.
He used to smoke 1 pack a day. He realized he wanted to quit to live a longer life for his daughter. The only thing he did was change his driving patterns. Like when he would stop at a certain light, he would light up. That-s all.
Yes, I did many years ago, best thing I-ve done in my life. I did it by counting the cigarrettes I smoked each day for 3 months....the next 3 months I maintained the very same number of smokes I consumed, the next 3 months I cut down by 3 cigarretes, the next 3 months, by one, the next three months by 3, the next three months by 1...get the picture. Stay away from people who smoke find new friends and equally important GO TO CHURCH.
find a sport/excersise that u like. excersise is addicting go on a run or a walk outside. you-ll feel better
Yes, I quit. I tried several times to quit and the last one took. I did the cold turkey cure.
I don-t know anyone but a speaker came into my health class a couple of years ago and she works with smokers trying to quit. She said that cold turkey is the most effective way to quit.

Oh and I can tell you that patches and gum doesn-t work since my parents have tried those.
i used the gum..havent smoked in 6 months, but i do still crave them..so when i have a craving, i pop in a piece of gum, (or 2) i was a pack a day smoker and it has helped me quite well..i still miss smoke, i enjoyed it too, but i wanted to see my daughter grow up so that was my inspiration..good luck to you..
Just quit....it-s bad for you. I quit 10 months ago today successfully.
Get some gum and drink lots of water. Eat small snacks through out the day so you won-t get all shaky and jittery. You will feel better after a couple of weeks. Your clothes will smell cleaner and so will your breath. Best of luck.
My husband started smoking at 8. He is 26 now. he quit three years ago,cold turkey. He tried in the past to ween himself but it wasjust that more tempting. He finally just quit and Im so proud of him.
Yer i stopped wen i was 17, i didnt have to try.i just started lifting weights n smoking became something i hated, it made me sick.the crap thats in fags iz just nasty sooooooo bad 4 ur health,ages ur skin n makes u look like **** wen ur older.Dont 4 get that ur habbits and lifestyle wen ur young dictates the way u look wen ur older.U wanna b a fit n healthy old person or a unhealthy breathless ugly old git????U decide
Yes I have finally after a very long time .
yes i QUIT.. instead right now i always craving to suck my husband-s xxCK
Has anyone quit smoking successfully? -