Would hanging up posters all over my house help me quit smoking? -

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Would hanging up posters all over my house help me quit smoking? -

I can quit. I have stopped before, but it is my BIG vice. My husband smokes and that does not help, plus I have bad anxiety problems. I know that nicotine is bad for anxiety, but when I get mad or worried I seem to smoke more. Plus I smoke a lot when I am on the computer. What can I do to finally quit. My Birthday is Friday and doing this for myself would be my best gift ever. So what should I do and how do I not give in to my crutch? Should I just smoke a few a day or go cold turkey again or pray reverently. AWWWWWW I am so confused. I was thinking that maybe posters all around the house would remind me of all the negatives about smoking. Hmmmmm.....
Posters is a creative idea.
Another way is: whenever you want to smoke, chew a stick of gum.
This way you can-t smoke because you can-t chew gum and smoke simultaneously.
Here-s my little 2 cents. Try the gum or the patch (I know they-re EXPENSIVE, my husband is about to quit smoking and we-re looking at the financial issue that entails) but, a box of the patch (at least where I am) costs the amount of a cartin, and lasts for two weeks. The gum.... some people get addicted. My husband did when he first tried. But, the patch and the gum, have significantly less of the health risks than smoking, not to mention the second hand smoke.

I can guess that there is nothing worse than having a spouse smoke when you want to quit. Maybe a -rule- of this can be that he smokes outside (unless that-s impractible). Just a suggestion.
I wish you the best!!
I quit a little while ago, cold turkey. What may help is for you to print up little notes as to why you are going to quit. Like it-s better for my health or I-ll live longer. Just little things like that. Another thing that I did that helped me, every time I wanted a smoke, I would go for a nice brisk walk or I hopped on my bike and went for a ride. Use cinnamon too. It comes in many forms and you can use them all, hard candies, toothpaste, mouth wash, gum, breath mints. It helped me to use cinnamon when I wanted a smoke. I only quit 3 1/2 months ago and it was because the company my husband works for decided to start charging smokers $100.00 more a month for insurance. So I just quit. It wasn-t as hard as I though it was going to be but still today I will think about it and want one. Then I tell myself -it will never ever be that easy to quit again- and I don-t have one.

Good Luck and my thoughts and prayers will be with you.
You already know what the negatives are, do you really need to be reminded?

You will quit when your mind is ready.
They say the third time is a charm, and for me, it was. The first time, I used Cigarrest, stopped for over a year. Second time, cold turkey, stopped for 6 months.

The last time, I made my mind up I wanted to put them down. My doctor gave me a prescription for Wellbutrin. (generic Zyban). I took it for a week, and kept smoking. At the end of the week, I put them down, and even with major stress in my life, hav e not picked them up in 11 years. I took the medication for 30 days.

Talk to your doctor. The most important part is, YOU have to want to put them things down. Nothing is a silver bullet to make you stop, it takes you as part of the cure
Good for you that you want to quit. My husband quit about 2 years ago. He picked a day (like you are picking Friday - happy birthday!) and stuck to it. I printed out pictures from the internet of lungs from people that smoked and of people that didn-t smoke. The smokers lungs were disgusting. I put them all over the place. Everytime he wanted a cigarette he would call me and I would just keep saying to him - you don-t need one, just get through this craving. Don-t give in to the craving - tell yourself you can do this and you can - it-s all about will power! Be strong!! Have lots of lollipops around. Think about how much healthier you will be, how your clothes won-t smell, how you-ll be able to breath better, taste things better, how much money you will save.

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Have a great birthday and BE STRONG!
I heard hypnosis works.
Would hanging up posters all over my house help me quit smoking? -